I'm Completely Clueless About Sockpuppet Accounts Being Unmasked [E-sports]Ch10 - You’re the only one I’ll call that, okay? :)


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Translator's Note

referring to the “carry bus” or spots on a team that a good player will carry to victory all on their own

Translator's Note

Divi: You automatically get matched into a party of 4

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pingyin for passerby 1

Translator's Note

Divi: Obviously there’s no actual “trembling” in the game, but she’s probably very fidgety while crouching.

Translator's Note

meaning awesome

Translator's Note

referring to someone switching fandoms or cheating

Translator's Note

meaning, no echo or response

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  1. Administrator : Leave me out of this. I’m just trying to do my job!

    thanks for the chapter!

  2. Yes, only call Mingyuan Gege or else you won’t have a Gege anymore since he’ll be drowning in lemons 🍋 Ming Gege is so cute practicing the game for Shen Sweetie awww the effort!! 💗💗

    Thank you for the chapter! 🌺💗