Blooming RomanceChapter 97


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Translator's Note

tradition where multiple objects will be placed in front of a baby and whatever they pick up is supposed to be indicative of their future career/interests

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  1. Ahhh Jiu Jiu and Pang Pang are so cute! And that old man at the end must be a useless trash.

    Thanks for the chapter~

  2. Can we just fire that Tang guy?

    how cute are all the godfathers!

    and how cute are Jiujiu and Pang!

    thanks for the chapter! <3

  3. LMAO! That birthday seemed extremely funny! His mother was the most excessive. She was laughing especially loudly and taking pictures! that part especially killed me xD

    Oooh… That Manager Tang…. no no, that behaviour is not ok man.

  4. The world is so strange now, idiots actually think they have the right to make such flamboyant statements without the fear of getting beaten up. Hm?

  5. …Can’t some people just SHUT UP OMG. Like y’all homophobic and all but can’t you like keep that to yourself. LIKE SHEESH. The chapter was so wholesome and made me so emotional as to how the they got so far to this point. And someone really gotta ruin my mood 🙃

    Thanks for the chapter! I was dying for a new chapter. ❤️

  6. Hi Dan Dan, I bought some chapters from the author, but chapter 97 starts with “This is the first time that the Lin family and the Chu family get together to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival.” I don’t know if there is a mistake on my part or not.

      • I see, although I still have the doubt, since chapter 97 in the jjwxc appears as 第 97 章 中秋 番外, and begins by mentioning that it was the first time that the Lin family and the Chu family met. But your chapter 97 begins and 98 begins differently. That is why I was left in doubt. Will you put that chapter as an extra? I do not know if you have seen in another comment, that it also asked for your authorization to translate the novel into Spanish, since whoever translated it left it a year ago and has not updated it again.Sorry for the inconvenience. 🙏