Blooming RomanceChapter 91


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Translator's Note

character for swallow

Translator's Note

LYC’s character for flame

Translator's Note

the nickname sounds feminine

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  1. Jiu jiu!! You can do it. You’ll get better! After all, Jun Jun and Yan Yan are your power parents, not to mention your (over) enthusiastic grandparents on both sides!!

  2. Huhuhu hope our cutie Jiu Jiu will get better soon. I can’t help getting mad at the piece of shit again. If that didn’t happen huhu. I love the bickering and the cute nickname. 😍

    Thanks for the chapter as always.

  3. Aww poor Jiu Jiu, I hope he’ll get better asap 🥺🥺

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  4. as much as I like quiet and obedient children, Jiu Jiu’s condition worry me too much that I don’t mind him being a rowdy child, as long as he’s healthy. (:’3」∠)

    Anyways, Thanks for chappie! ( ˘ ³˘)♡

  5. Awwww baby jiujui still needs operation😢

    Will the operation comes first or Daddy Yanyan opens jiujiu’s Private hospital?


    Jiu Jiu is gonna be stay safe and sound~ he has Daddy and Papa to take care of him so he’ll get better

    And daaamn, I’m freaking in love with this novel!

  7. I believe in JiuJiu! Along the way I’ve expected the operation… I just hope that it would work out…! Their interactions together are so intimate, I really want to see a future with them, where JiuJiu grows up, I’m expecting some fun times.

    Thanks for the chapter! (๑´•.̫ • `๑) / 💞

  8. maybe jiu jiu has some issues due to premature birth ? but i’m sure he’ll be fine