Blooming RomanceChapter 87


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  1. Ahhh grandpa Lin doesn’t play! He just said “here, have some shopping buildings!”

    They are too cute, I hope Chu Xun doesn’t feel inadequate because he doesn’t have a much money as the Lin family… ~_~

    Thanks for the chapter <3

  2. Ahhh I love their little family, including grandma, grandpa and granddad Lin 🥰

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  3. I know he had his reasons but I really hope CX can understand just what LYC went through.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  4. Every time I read about Lin Yanchen’s suffering I can’t help but blame Chu Xun and hold a bit of grudge. He was really too decisively ruthless back then and hurt that boy too badly…what irkes me the most is that Lin Yanchen had not done anything deserving of such ruthlessness😑

  5. This two… They’re so sweet… It makes me forget that Chu Xun confused Lin Yanchen as the person he hired to have fun with at the very beginning hahahhahhaha

    Still I’m glad for that little accident, this made the novel worth rereading (。> ヮ <。)

    Thanks for the chappie ( ˘ ³˘)♡

  6. Aww, after going through so much, it’s even sweeter now they’re back together. Father Lin is a star. Thanks for the chapter 💕