Blooming RomanceChapter 86


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  1. I adore that little family. Both dads and baby and all 3 grandparents who dote on Jiu Jiu. I’m feeling very soft and happy.

    Thanks for the chapter <3

  2. Ohhh, so Chu Xun didn’t know about Lin Yanchen’s white hair until noowww. I kind of had this matter at the back of my mind already. Didn’t expect for it to be mentioned today. feeling old Lalala~

    Jiu jiu is so cute and well behaved! Certainly hooked a doting grandpa over.

    Thanks for the update! 💕

  3. Thank you for the chapter~

    Jiu jiu is so cute, I wish our families baby was as well behaved as him, but she’s more like Lin Yanchen as a baby. 😭😭

  4. LYC’s dad is lovely just misunderstood. Chu Xun can help LYC’s heal his bond with dad. Grandad and grandson are so cute together 🥰 Thanks for the chapter 💕

  5. In the future I pray to give birth to a child as obedient as Jiujiu ;-; All the babies Ive seen so far were all demon incarnations 😭

    Thanks for the chapter! 💕