Blooming RomanceChapter 77


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  1. oh no why do I see angst and misunderstadings pilling up?

    [thank you for the chapter ❤️🧡 ]

    • Angst 2.0 ahead…. Why it should happen again… Don’t CX and LY learns from the problems before? Oh of course for plot’s sake 🙃

  2. Poor Lin Yanchen. He keeps getting into trouble without his concerns.. 😂😂😂😂

    Thank you for the update ❤️

  3. Handsome , rich and TAKEN! 😆

    I’m glad the girl was sensible. But LY is so stupid. Just introduce CX (and son) to your father. Baby will slay him.

    Thank you

  4. Really this Lin Yanchen is too much opinionated about his father

    Just talk it out ( these misunderstandings 🥺🥺🥺)

    Btw thanks for the translation 💜💜

  5. Thanks, Dan-dan Mein!

    I agree with Queue. Don’t underestimate the power of a cute baby, LYC. B)

  6. just introduce your man and child to your father and I think all this misunderstanding will be resolved

    thank you for the chapter

  7. Aaaaaah if you’re so worried about how your father feel about Chu Xun, why don’t you at least prep your father to accept him?? For example like asking him nonchalantly about homosexuality or about how you don’t want to marry for family background. LYC just HAS to assume the worst of everything🤦‍♂️

  8. Ah ah ah Little Lin, you should know Chu Xun character by now 😤

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  9. He was just handsome and rich; was it necessary to make such a fuss…

    me: just handsome hahahahhahahahaahhahahhahhha just rich hahahahahha

    lol I am dying

  10. Hoping that angst would easily be solved… I can smell drama from afar and I don’t like it! 🤧