Blooming RomanceChapter 76


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  1. Theres a bug ;-; whenever I read a different novel there chapter title will appear in the blank slate in this chapter which is kind of confusing.

    But anyways thanks for the chapter ❤️

  2. and the bot limbo attacks again XD [thank you for the chapter ❤️ ] hhhh the paparazzi is probably thinking that CX’s betraying everyone (or he just wants it for blackmail)

  3. Ohhh I was confused to see this in the list of updates when I haven’t received any notification.

    The stalker sounds like trouble. Prolly thought that Chu Xun was with several different men when they were Jiu Jiu’s godfathers (┛✧Д✧))┛彡┻━┻

    Thankies for the update.

  4. Maybe the dodgy guy was hired by LYC’s dad? Hope he is not gonna cause trouble.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  5. ooh i didnt even consider LYC’s father. thought it was some typical paparazzi and was looking forward to the face slapping 😅