Blooming RomanceChapter 68


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Translator's Note

the boss of a group, used as a title in criminal gangs too

Translator's Note

Homosexuality = 同性 and Humanity =人性, they share the same second character so it’s a pun of sorts, not really meant as an insult

Translator's Note

originally in English

Translator's Note

basically older brother’s wife

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  1. “..I’ve been reading some questionable things recently,…”

    same, honstly they kind of corrupt the mind and harmless things become really kinky suddenly


  2. So, the friends are about to gather intel in person? It might be too burdensome, at least Chu Xun understands that he doesn’t have to please everyone. Be happy together please 🙏

    Hopefully, these two couple convinces them with all the dogfood throwned their way.

    Thank you for translating 💕💕💕

  3. Seems like they’re good bros. LYC is so earnest and cute. Total wife slave.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  4. Ahh thank you for the update, I missed this silly couple and little Jiu Jiu 🥰❤

  5. Thanks for the chapter~ hmm why do I get an inkling idea about Zhan Hongyu..

    Out of nowhere:

    Aww I want a Lin Yanchen of my own 😂

  6. Phew… i guess it wasnt just me who kept thinking “master” as a kinky thing… I kept skipping that word because I felt like MC was cheating on ML… mind in the gutter