Blooming RomanceChapter 66


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Translator's Note

Little Feathers because the Hongyu in ZHY’s name is something akin to goose feathers

Translator's Note

Xiao = little/young and Lao = old

Translator's Note

polite form of you

Translator's Note

polite form

Translator's Note

very polite, almost self-derogatory term

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  1. Thank you for the chapter! My heart hurts for LY… At least this lil’ misunderstanding ended in a good note :’)

  2. Welcome back. Thank you for the chapter

  3. I have to admire the shame CX. And the shameless LYC 😂

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  4. Welcome Back!

    Miss CX & LYC glad cx has time to spend together with LYC. 💕

    Thank you for update. Hopes everything goes smoothly from now on for you 🙏🏻💛

  5. Lol Chu Xun is so cute 🤣🤣🤣

    Thanks for the update and I hope you’re doing great ❤❤

  6. I am glad that they are working through their problems together. But why do I get a strange vibe from Old Zhan? I don’t think he likes LYC. I hope everything will be OK.

    Thanks for the chapter.

  7. LYC is jealous and that’s so cute😍😍

    Thnx for the chapter

  8. Thanks for the chapter I’m so glad your back hope your doing well!