Blooming RomanceChapter 58


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Translator's Note

term for nitpick sounds like term for descaling fish

Translator's Note

Translator's Note

One of my favorites <3

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  1. See, what Love can do to a person! YC is tough nut to crack when he’s dealing with business, but with CX he’s just got noodle legs facing teacher Xun…. 😂😂😂

    Thank you for chapter

  2. Somehow I feel like Teacher Chu is going to have a heart attack from reading the news 🤭🤭🤭

    Thank you so much for the update ❤️

  3. Hurray, Xiao Li!!! You got accepted by your wife’s family!! Waiting for father son bonding soon!!

    Thank you for the update!

  4. Whew. It could be counted that Lin Yanchen finally has some relief in his heart? Father Chu is such a tsundere

    Thanks for the update! 💕

  5. Thank you for the update! 🤯 How do these chapters go by so quickly?

    Have no fear, Teacher Chu. Your son and grandchild will be taken care of… And so will you and your wife! You have acquired a powerful son in law. 😁

  6. Nooo. I caught up. I really like this web novel so far. Very interesting and different than the other novels. Thank you so much for continuing the translations!!!!

  7. This chapter was so funny! Thanks for the translation!

  8. Yesss! Lin Yanchen is finally getting closer to Chu family. 🎉

    If only they (Chu parents) knew how he is planning to expand the company just to be in the same city with Chu Xun and Jiu Jiu ☺️

    Thank you for translating 💕

  9. Thank you for translation 👍😂 This chapter is hilarious, cant wait to see Chu’s father know about Lin yanchen true wealth hahahah

  10. Imagine you’re dating a young Tony Stark lmfao I am just- that poor Dad when the penny drops.