Blooming RomanceChapter 47


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  1. Thank you for the chapter! jiujiu sounds like a good baby! Hope his other dad gets to see him while he’s still a cute little egg

  2. 😭😭😭😭 wheres my fluff life together type chapters? Come back soon! Also baby Jiu Jiu is so precious xD

    Thanks.for the updatee.

  3. Jiu Jiu is such a cute little silly child. A baby who always laughs and smiles must be like a ray of sunshine for the Chu fam. Such a cute little bundle of joy ><

    Anyway, I hope things go well for Chu Xun at work and LYC finds these two quickly. He really needs it ;-;

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  4. CX acts like he doesn’t care about ML, but we all know that every time he’s still thinking about him and their son

    Thank you for the chapter!

  5. It’s so cute… but please think about his papa. ;_;


  6. Thank u so much for the update 😃 really looking forward for their reunion 😭

  7. As someone who works with babies, I wonder if the author ever met one? A baby with and adjusted age around 5 months knowingly say dad is a huge leap in logic.

    However, as a reader who just needs to get over herself…so cute 😍

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  8. I have a feeling that Mr. Liu is going to help our separated couple reunite! The sooner it happens, the better!! 🤞🤞🤞

  9. Hay naku!! Anong tagal naman nilang mag tagpo ulit!! 😥😥

  10. Is their reunion gonna be during one business meeting of Chu Xun’s master and Lin Yanchen? i hope they talk about everything that happened or something

    Thank you for this wonderful translation


  11. I’m trembling from impatience, to find out what happens next!!!

    Thank you for the chapters 💕

  12. Aggghhhhh!!! Two years! TWO years!!! Chu Cun!!! You better not dissapoint my expactations for me!!! Ugh!! Curse it!