Blooming RomanceChapter 36


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  1. Awww damn this chapter is so sad. Can’t wait for Chu Xun to be happy. Hope Father Chu and Chu Xun get along now. Jun Jun, what a cute nickname!

    • Aaaah this made me tear up. I really hope that Chu Xun would live a happy life. I want him and his parents to reconcile but at the same time I really wish that his parents would acknowledge what they did wrong and apologize even /after/ finding about the truth of his “illness”. They abandoned and kicked him out of their lives. I understand well enough that maybe it was hard for them to accept him being gay and maybe they felt that Chu Xun didn’t respect them or maybe they cared for him deep down and abandoning him made them feel pain.. but this.. shouldn’t excuse anything. Maybe that’s just me? I don’t know. I’m not forming my words well.

      I guess, what I’m trying to say here is, I hope no one wants them to reconcile ((simply)) because they feel pity for his parents, disregarding what they did in hopes for a happy family.

      At the end of the day, despite them being fictional, I want them to have a healthy and happy relationship where they can grow and develop… wuwuwuwu thank you for the chapter!

      • Ack lol.. my bad, I replied instead of making a new comment… the tears in my eyes made me blind…. wuwuw

  2. Why didn’t you appreciate and care about Jun Jun before, old man?! He’s gay but he’s still your Jun Jun, nothing could change that! 😭😭😭

    Thanks for the chapter ❤

  3. Ahhh this really made me tear up. The whole traditional asian parents who cant accept their kid because of their values they hold higher than the kid, only until something forces them to realise how short life is… I hope chu xun can make up with his family and even afterwards, they’ll still accept him

  4. It’s good that there’s hints of them fully reconciling in the near future but i wonder how they’ll react when it comes out that CX is pregnant and not dying

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  5. THIS TSUNDERE DAD ~~ can’t wait for the next chapter thanks dan-dan mein!!!

  6. Everytime I read new chapter, it will always rain…

    Qotc: We never cherish thing until we lose it… :’)

  7. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh dad you’ve got some apologies due. CX wasn’t full time the right but ultimately he was kicked out and hated just for being himself. He’s allowed to be a bit salty.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️♥️

  8. Oh dios no puedo, esto es muy triste.

    Thanks for the chapter 💝💝💝 y por hacerme sudar por los ojos.

    • He is unlikely not. Even if Chu Xun is gonna live, I doubt all the animosity between them will ever completely go away. I bet that in the next chapter Chu Xun will outright reject his father’s apology- more so because he is “dying” than because he doesn’t forgive him (which he might)- or something close to pushing his family away as he did his lover.

  9. I can only take a deep breath. This chapter breaking the heart in a steady pace 😂

    Thank you for translating

  10. Thank you for the chapter!

    I just read GHFOD and got embarrassed. and now, here I am for a nice serving of angst 😢

    I hope when the true diagnosis comes they’ll accept it better.

  11. Even though his not dying.. I am still crying😢😭

  12. It’s soo sad ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧º·˚

    Thanks for the chapter!!!

  13. Man, what a mess.


    That was intense.

    Thank you for the update ❤️

    I hope everything will be better later on…

  14. Despite knowing that he’s having a baby but, for him to be oblivious to his own happiness await, I’m crying a river😭

    All the blames will be on the whoever doctor that did the check up on him..

  15. OMG! So sad, who is chopping onion right now? I’m crying n my tears can’t stop😭

    Hopefully, their relationship can be better in next chapter

  16. You can hate your family to the point of wishing they were never born, but only on the basis that they are healthy and not too miserable. Terminal illnesses and stuff are not allowed, no deal, not a part of the package, no thank you!

  17. oh god this book is a torture to my heart.

  18. The heck. I’m sobbing so bad rn. This is the first time that a novel made me cry so bad.

  19. i know chu xun isn’t gonna die but why did this make me cry more than other stories with bad endings QAQ

  20. I didn’t want to curse or say mean things but &2(#)#?”: Aiysss !!! I cried from chapter 33 to here so I guess I’ll still cry on the next page 😭😭😭

  21. Shit I remembered a hindu movie about agirl disowned by her father he wished her dead. But then she really get sick. Ahhhh i cried sooo much🤧🤧

  22. Geez. This stupid father and son making me cry like this. They’re just both too stuborn and prideful. So obvious they love one another.

  23. I am not crying.. you are crying..

  24. Why is this chapter worse than the other one?!

    (╥﹏╥) My face won’t stop leaking .·´¯(>▂<)´¯·.

  25. …I know i’ll break the mood and that i’m a bit harsh, but i don’t see the situation with the father like something sad… it’s the opposite, it angered me that the father had to recieved those types of news so he could accept his son knowing he will lose it soon, and without mention how he greeted him.

    Either way, if they can now get along and all that it will be a happy thing, since their father and son, but that thing angered me a bit.

    Maybe and i’m the only one thinking like this ¯_(..)

  26. His father loves him. Just like LYC, Chu Xun wasn’t able to see clearly their own father’s intention for them. I think his father didn’t really meant to cut off ties with him. His words back then were only said in a fit of anger, while Chu Xun was at the time being sensitive and hence took it seriously. It’s probably Chu Xun who insisted not to go back home all those 5 years while his father was still secretly keeping tabs with him and couldn’t bring himself to talk to his son out of shame. that’s why communication is really important, but for some family it’s really a hurdle hard to overcome.

  27. ugh yall are being sad while i’m just sitting here thinking about him giving away his assets and won’t have enough money to raise his kid….

  28. God. Someone wrote that down. It needs to be written down. Write it down!

    On another note, thank you for the chapter and take care!! I’ve just started the series but I’ll see you on the latest chapter soon!!

  29. I know he’s not really dying but oh my gods the circumstances since the last few chapters and even now has been so heavy. The author wrote so well and the translation carried the emotions properly I straight up teared and almost bawled.

  30. I’m only re-reading this and I know how it goes but i still cry every single time…

  31. The fuck only caring about him when he’s about to die, why don’t you just fuck off? Then when you know it’s a mis-diagnosis, you’ll return to your previous attitude? This is disgusting.

    Thank you so much.

  32. It was this paragraph ” Father Chu couldn’t catch up to Chu Xun. He simply felt his heart heat up and his vision got blurry. He wiped his face. He hadn’t noticed when his eyes filled with tears.” That made the waterworks really break open. I’m a couple chapters from this chapter but Frick man I’m still crying over this one part.

  33. I didn’t cry in other parts of this story but the way his dad shouted JunJun and then Wait for dad, just made me burst into tears. I’m so weak when it comes to old people/ parents in general. Especially that chu xun’s mom and dad reminds me of my parents.

  34. I’m crying so mush that my mum came to ask me if im okay 🤣🤣😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭

  35. Ok wtf

    I’ve lost count how many times I’ve cried reading this novel now I’ve got an headache, I didn’t sign up for this 😭😭😭

    When is the sweet and fluffy stuff coming?