Blooming RomanceChapter 33


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Translator's Note

CX says this because Ad used 你们 which refers to multiple people and in this case, CX and Lin Yanchen. The 们 word is what makes the subject plural.

Translator's Note

Translator's Note

Sarah Brightman ver: Simon & Garfunkel (Paul Simon) ver:

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  1. 😭😭😭 i get so sad even tho I know hes still gonna live but fuck. I lost a love one to a terminal illness this year so i cry everytime 😭😭😭 💔💔💔

    Thanks for the update tho! Im so happy yall picked this up.

  2. Thanks for the update! Its finally here!!!

    But this is a really heartbreaking chapter. Even though you know that Chu Xun will not die, it is still sad to see him leaving Lin Yachen. I want the fluff back!!!

  3. Thank you so much for taking over, and for the hard work you are doing !

    I really like this story, even though it makes me sob uncontrollably. Thank God I am not in public and don’t have to show my swollen eyes to anyone xD

  4. While this is beautiful and all, “Scarborough Faire” is actually about a breakup. There’s a series of lines with a female response that didn’t make it into the famous song. Basically, the guy was her ex and asked for three impossible things for her to do for him to take her back. The female counters with three more impossible things for him to do before she’d even consider getting back together with him. The whole thing is super snarky.

    When Simon and Garfunkel put it to music, they made it sound sad and whimsical instead.

    • The oldest version of “Scarborough Faire” involved an Fae attempting to steal a young woman away unless she performed the impossible task of making him a tunic without cutting the fabric. Also, as a fun addition, the individual meanings of parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme are the more pleasant ones listed above, but brewed together as a tea, they were believed to be a homemade abortifacient.

  5. Urghh. sniffs Didn’t expect Yanchen to be sour about Ad though hahaha.

    What a lovely chapter. Thanks for continuing Dandan-san 💕

  6. Too sad. Too poignant. Such a beautiful chapter. 😭

    Thanks for the great translation and for picking this up ♥️♥️

  7. Ah geez, let the angst pull me over the ocean of sadness. How many times will I cry for these two, I wonder?

    Thank you for picking up this novel!!

  8. Gracias por tu trabajo y esfuerzo y por seguir con la traducción de esta hermosa historia, mil bendiciones

  9. Thank you for continuing the translation of this wonderful story. Your time and hard work is greatly appreciated!

  10. No, I’m not crying, I’m just cutting onions. Is anyone else affected by my onions?? 😭

  11. This Novel gives too much punch than “Those 10 years I loved him the most” for me.

    Maybe because I’m a miser like CX.

    Too bad reality check not every CX could find their own LC… Huhuhu QwQ

  12. Thanks for your translation. The translator, Shoko give me permission to retranslate this to Burmese language.But Shoko told me to ask your permission too because Shoko only translated 1to 32.

    I am waiting for your reply.Thank you.

  13. Even if you know it’s a HE and the sickness is just a nonsense I still cried in the his chapter 😭😭😭

    I now truly believe that females are made of water 😭😭😭

  14. It’s been years since I first listened to this beautiful song and I never expected it in a Chinese novel tbh.. much less finally having it explained (was too lazy to bother googleing).

    It really fits the chapters vibe though. QAQThx for the translation.

  15. I dislike CX decisions, he gave LY something to hope for when he came back then he leave him like that? he shouldn’t came back in the first place so it won’t hurt so much 😭😭

    I’m sad.

  16. I woke up at 5 and decided to read something to kill the time since I couldn’t go back to sleep. Work starts in an hour….this was maybe not a good decision. How am I supposed to answer calls and stare at a comp all day with puffy eyes and a stuffed up nose? 😭😭😭

  17. It would’ve been so unable to continue reading past this chapter if i had not known.. that it was a MIS-diagnosis…

    when it is time to think back, all these will be so embarassing and hilarious!!!

    (/ω\) (〃´ノω`〃)

  18. I was on the verge of tears. Listening to the song while reading the chapter. I just had to be reminded that he will not actually die and he’s just pregnant. Damnit my tears went back. 🤣

  19. I know! I know he’s not sick and everything is gonna be alright but +$-#&#-#+# nonetheless ,this is so sad 😭 😭😭😭

    (I know it’s late but) Thank you for picking it up 💖