You Use a Gun, I Use a BowCh58 - What kind of monsters are CLM!


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Translator's Note

literally, you’re floating away

Translator's Note

saying unlucky things

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  1. Is Chen Wei’s official nickname Dog ge now? XD It feels great to see CLM getting better as a team.

    Ah yes, my weekly dog food has arrived, that smiling-at-each-other and thinking-about-nothing-but-each-other scene made me UWU in real life. Hehe.

  2. Wait. I’m confused. What are they talking about? What would they need to remind them???? Is something wrong?? Did I miss something?????? HELPPPP

  3. I’m proud to see Ling and Chen win after always being targeted. Feels like they finally have a chance to show their skills without the dogpile on them. It’s nice to see Lan yan get back into the game after the way he left the team. CLM actually have a lot of good players but the tactic/leadership/coaching seemed to be the weak point.

  4. Ах, Мо Чен, по какой-то неясной мне причине, напоминает мне такого качка дурачка~ но это неправда

    Thank you for new chapter

  5. Am I the only one uncomfortable with Liu Wuzhe(is that how you spell it? Lol) and really don’t like like him ?

    Just me? Ok

  6. I can’t ignore father mentality MC starts to develop. “Our family Kitty”, is he now? 🤣 Also, can’t wait for the end for competition and CONFESSIONS. MC and WX are so in love I can’t. Wanna more dog food!

  7. What kind of immortal tacit understanding this is 🤔🤣🤣 not only in gun fights but also in confession they still think the same… 🤔 They are really soulmates…🤗🤣🤣

  8. Dog ge and Cat di are so cute together even if they didn’t give out any CP vibe at all. So happy to finally see them shine in the competition .

  9. Lol Cat and dog. I just thought of that show where half of the body is chat and the other half is dog 😂

  10. …Why does it sound like Chen Wei will get sick and because LY is no longer with them and they have no other substitute, things will get a little bad?

  11. I forgot to comment this before but like is no one gonna mention YEY’s great naming sense? Like ‘Calamitous Loathsome Men’ for CLM? 😂 they are absolutely ridiculous, I’m guessing the name came from Lightning the big baby~

  12. I feel like Lan Yan didn’t regress in terms of his skills, but just his mental state. I think he found his partner in Bunny, like Momo did with Xixi so I’m happy for him! Also, look at these two already starting to throw dog food everywhere 🤭