You Use a Gun, I Use a BowCh47 - Kill Wency!


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Translator's Note

literally, dropping a stone on a man already in a well

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  1. Wen Xi become the everyone target 🤣

    Mo Chen character development!!

    Thank you for the great translation! 💙

  2. “Which one of you dare to make another move against my wife?”

    Mo Chen getting protective 😌

    Good luck, Wen Xi! You’ll need it

    Thanks for the chapter!!!!!💕

  3. Xixi pushed the blame to his captain and then got the whole world to go against himself hahaha!

    Thanks for the chapter! 💕

  4. Mo Chen looked at Wen Xi’s stunned expression, feeling that it was a little cute. Finally, he couldn’t help it and gently reached out his hand to flick his nose and said, “What else do you want to know? Take advantage of the fact that I’m not very sleepy right now, and I can satisfy you in one breath.”

    Wen Xi’s heart rate suddenly quickened. The area of his nose touched by Mo Chen felt weak and numb, and his face had heated up uncontrollably.


    I also agree with Kitty and Xiao Wei. Really want to know when you guys are getting together. Argh!!

  5. Liu Weizhe isn’t like mother or father anymore, this is the level of grandfather! 🙇‍♀️ I loved their current progress. I hope Kitty and Chen Wei gradually able to map out their own coordinated play and training regime. Wonder who gonna enter as substitute. Is Blue Wolf possible?

  6. Lightning and CC have become two of my favorite characters despite barely appearing. They’re both so funny, especially Lightning 😂 The trash talk was fun, Xixi once again throwing Momo under the bus 😂