You Use a Gun, I Use a BowCh42 - The usual outcome!


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Translator's Note

no cooperation

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  1. Kitty being force fed dog food and killed by his own 🤣🤣🤣

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  2. It’s blinding it’s blinding–

    Not the affection between Wency and Momo, I’m talking about the other two lightbulbs in the team. ฅ(´-ω-`)ฅ

  3. Kitty being abused by the other big cats🤣 Poor Chen Wei and Kitty being forcefully fed by dog food💕

  4. Happy New Year! I estimate the highlights clip is going to make the rounds as people find out the archer assassin has been snatched up. Lol

  5. Why are you force feeding Kitty dog food ah?? He is a cat! Not a dog! How miserable..

    Thanks for the chapter!

  6. The author really give us wise words at the beginning, its a very nice surprise to find life advice on danmei novel! XD

    So many dog food! My fav is when Magic Xi wants to cover her eyes and when they’re praising each other skills uwu

    Thank you for the great translation! 💙

  7. Aah Kitty literally became cannon fodder!!

    Mo Chen and XiXi make a great combo 🤗

    Thanks for the chapter 💕

  8. Oooh~ CLM has other gay (or bi) members besides Wen Xi and Mo Chen???? Darrlinggg i can’t wait teh moment we find out who!! Also, wish we could see more of the Wolf-Pig side couple😭😭

    Ty for the chapter!!💜💜💜

  9. Lan Yan’s condition always stresses me out! Why why whyyyyy I hope Lan Yan plays in the secondary team and becomes their coach I feel it will be much better, but he knows better what decisions he has to make so I hope he will be okay

  10. Poor xiao mao getting killed in every match by his own team members! LOL

    Ps. What if da Yan join QAQ? He could bring in strategy and leadership to those kids.. Sounds good to me in a way

  11. I still feel odd about Lan Yan leaving. I mean, I understand he said he wanted to fight for the championship himself, but even he knows he is deteriorating. I just feel like it’s so sad that even in an unofficial tournament like this one, he’s not performing well he is actually underperforming (even though we know that the story is written so that Momo and Wenwen are outshining everyone), so how will other clubs see this and want to take him and put him in the first line-up of their teams for the championship competition?

    I feel like, realistically, he definitely has a better chance of being closer to a championship for his last year as a coach or a sub for the first line-up of CLM. But he would have to know what he wants, I just don’t see him being happy with another team opposite them when he could share their happiness with them.

  12. Kitty 😂 Is it really CLM if they don’t kill Kitty? I can’t wait for MoXi to spread dog food during official, recorded matches 🤭