You Use a Gun, I Use a BowCh40 - Mac, you calamitous loathsome man!


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Translator's Note

specifically, it would take too long to describe in just a few words

Translator's Note

so this joke works better in Chinese: 臭流氓-is really stinking hooligan, and each letter is C, L, M, so I tried preserving the joke in English

Translator's Note

the raws say male, but that sounds dumb, so we’re changing it

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  1. The teammates and coach are so cute, i just can’t:))

  2. Captain Loves Men 😂 Chen Wei – like your sense of humour!!

    Thanks for the chapter 💕

  3. CLM? Hmm, the Chen brothers, Lan Yan, Mo Chen?? Or? Altho Captain Loves Men is 💯 😂

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. Lightning yelled, “Give us back Wency!”

    Mo Chen hung up the call decisively.

    Hahaha burst out laughing at that part. Mo Chen be like 1. WX wasn’t yours in the first place and 2. How dare you try to steal my wife

  5. omg this CLM guys🤣🤣

    havent laughed so much there is tears in my eyes..hahahahahahahahahahahha


  6. I haven’t been commenting on past chapters because I feel there wasn’t a lot of things to comment on but now I really gotta light a candle for Chen Wei, he’s so dead with his captain’s icy temperament!! 😂