You Use a Gun, I Use a BowCh38 - Real men never look back at the explosion!


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Translator's Note

literally, has two brushes

Translator's Note

bug-like like a game bug/glitch, not an insect

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  1. I’m kinda sad for Lan Yan… But maybe this was the breaking point he needed. He couldn’t let go, but now he can relax knowing CLM was in a capable Archer’s hands. Wen Xi, shoot CLM to the top! <3

  2. I feel like lan yan can move on to streaming, let magic xi guide another young man onto her platform. Momo is the type of friend that will never sugar coat things and tells you like it is. I almost find him cruel but also, he’d be okay with being yelled at even though he didn’t do anything wrong so it’s not like he’s heartless. Still, xixi is the only person he’ll treat so dotingly.

  3. Ahhhh like a doting mama and doting bf rooting for our bb Wen Xi huhhuhuhuu I’m so proud of him as wellIt’s great that Lan Yan didn’t harbor too much bad feelings and was able to accept his substitution. Don’t worry there’s life after this, a new chapter will begin for you.

  4. I love the fanboying moment Momo had, so cute! Also glad that’s no grudges from Lan Yan!

    Thanks for the chapter! 💕

  5. I felt very satisfied with this chapter! The way it handle Lan Yan situation is very smooth. The last part especially where he somewhat can rest easy. Beside since the start of the story Mo Chen has tried to invite Wen Xi to the team, I think he must’ve already consider this situation before. Also objectively Wen Xi is too OP to not play, that will be a waste for him and the team 😂

    The way Magic Xi fangirling so hard but try to appear calm, have the same energy with Mo Chen being doting and proud for his sweetheart. Also Mo Chen being hit because Chen Xiao is too excited lmao

    Thank you for the great translation! 💙

  6. Magic Xi and Momo’s internal fan-girling is so sweet and cute. They are super proud of our Wen Xi!

    Thanks for the chapter <3

  7. Aww, Xixi has skills: rifles + bow 😎

    The internal fan-girl/boy of Magic Xi and Momo – so proud of their ‘My Xi’ 🥰

    Thanks for the chapter 💕

  8. This championship is sweet torture for Magic Xi as a fangirl😂

    I love QAQ name especially when they got hit/killed lol

    Thanks for your hard work! ❤

  9. Uwaaa( I’ve realised that almost all my comments start with this, I mean I expresses all kinds of emotions so I can’t let it go) LY aishteru but trust Xixi, he won’t disappoint.

  10. Hardwork sometimes never pays off against a talent. Especially when that talent is equipped with also hardwork.

  11. ” Internally: Did everyone see that?! This was his Wen Xi! Are you shocked?! Are you scared?!”

    Rofl 🤣🤣 I can’t stop laughing 😂

  12. He said to himself, “It seems that his hands are in good condition today.”

    Internally: Did everyone see that?! This was his Wen Xi! Are you shocked?! Are you scared?!


    Inexplicably got the smell of a peacock with bare butt🤣🤣🤣

  13. i still feel a bit bad for Lan Yan, but it is true that abilities are all that matter. sigh. cheering on our God Xi though!! and Mo Chen is so cute

  14. I feel bad for lan yan, i mean imagine working so hard for the team and suddenly getting replaced by a player who only play for 2+ month. I would be so mad at the mc and ml

  15. I’m also happy Lan Yan isn’t holding a grudge against Xixi, after all, he knows his condition the best. I’m happy he feels relieved that the team is able to have someone that can help win future competitions! Also, Magic Xi trying to control her excitement over Xixi is adorable 😂