You Use a Gun, I Use a BowCh28 - You’re afraid of the dark?


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Translator's Note

the saying 狼灭, is slang for a cruel man

Translator's Note


Translator's Note

literally out-fought with different series of routines in martial arts

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literally, smashing an already smashed pot

Translator's Note

honorable you

Translator's Note

very polite hello

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  1. Waaa what happened with Momo to make him that afraid of dark? 🥺

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  2. Sorry, Wenxi, i kind of want you to be in the 31st place:))

    Thank you for the update!

  3. I want Momo to be successful but I also want to see the cosplay. Haahahha, can’t wait for the face reveal. Thank you for the updatee

  4. Sgakdhsks it’ll be wonderful to see Wen Xi crossdressing!! Please don’t make top 30!

    Thank you for translating!!💕💖❤😍💖💕

  5. That doesn’t sound like just a simple fear of the dark… Also, ugh I stan Xixi’s confidence in his beauty when cross dressing!

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  6. This chapter is too cute. This story is too cute. I love this.

    I’m gonna be sad if Wen Xi don’t wear women clothes but there’s probably other chances for him to wear it. I’m gonna support Xixi 😤

    And what story hides behind Mo Chen’s phobia? I’m curious….

    Thanks for the translation! 💕

  7. Wen Xi was bragging about his past crossdressings hahaha cute

    Ohh. I’d have never imagined Mo Chen has a Dark past. He seems so carefree.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  8. Woah I didn’t see that coming at all. So interesting! Really looking forward to finding out what happened owo

    Thank you~

  9. Wasn’t this supposed to be sweet and pure…. why a sudden knife of Momo being terrified of the darkness… QAQ

    Also Wen Xi being so proud of his crossdressing history really has me cackling…

  10. Wen Xi good luck in getting into the Top 30, although his nonchalant attitude wearing women’s clothing is funny! Seems Wen Xi will be Mo Chen’s support and come to need him. Thanks for the chapter 💕

  11. i have a bad premonition ah~~

    Theory time!

    The reason Mo Chen was late (for the championships?? i forgot the event, but the reason there’s anti-mac fans) because somebody trapped him in a dark, maybe small, room as a ploy, which worked, thus the phobia.

    damn this didn’t make much sense, but hopefully the gist of it can be understood. thank you for the chappie!~ ❤❤

  12. “Here, take it, spend all the money inside as you like,” OooOoH I’m getting the Overbearing President type just from this sentence

  13. I really wanna see him crossdressing, well, read about at least! If he’s so confident, them everyone’s gonna be shocked!! Wanna see!!!

  14. That … episode… momo experienced in the bathroom has all the hallmarks of a fugue state. If the author researched/knows psychology, this is caused by ptsd or cptsd. A person in a fugue state frequently cannot communicate with others, experiences flashbacks to the traumatic event(s), and sometimes just runs off (walking or driving) with no control or knowledge of where they are going. (I used to experience this myself whenever smelling alcohol thanks to an abusive alcoholic parent, but years of counseling means i am ok with that trigger now. It was too dangerous for me to just take off and be unable to talk.)
  15. I’m feeling 70% positive that the reason he was late to the global competition has something to do with his fear of the dark 🤔 Also, super excited to see Xixi cross dress. I fully believe he’ll end up doing it 😂 Magic Xi’s excitement to dress him up is amazing lmao