You Use a Gun, I Use a BowCh26 - I am willing


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Translator's Note

literally, exploded the werewolf, meaning in the werewolf game, you can choose to reveal your own identity as the werewolf and end the game

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  1. Aww they’re so cute!! I can only imagine Wen Xi will utterly decimate a professional duos game with Mo Chen, so everyone else better prepare cause its gonna happen soon!

  2. YASSS!! HE IS WILLING!!! (lmao is just me who finds this ambiguous? xD) But I wonder what will happen with the team…. I do have a guess, but it seems a bit farfetched to actually happen…

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  3. Wen Xi, Ruby, and Mo Chen are all adorable 😍

    Come on Little Piggy, admit you’re a Mac fan too!

    Thanks for the chapter <3



    Lol Mo Chen, man, it’s a success! xD

    Thank you for the great translation ♥️

  5. So Mac won XiXi over to his team when Mo Chen was a flame out?! Thanks for the chapter 💕

  6. Why is it that their words just keep getting ambiguous ah…. I’m being infected by Xixi’s fans!!

    Xixi said he is willing ahhh, doen’t this sounds like when he is agreeing to a proposal?!! ヾ(≧▽≦)oヾ(≧▽≦)o

    Thanks for the chapter? 💜

  7. They keep saying Mo Chen is trying to “trick” Wen Xi into playing professionally, but isn’t it more like straightforwardly asking persistently and then showing his feathers off to entice him? I don’t see any tricks here, lol, just a lot of flirting and sugar.

  8. Wen Xi was now successfully swindled by the wolf 🤔🤣🤣🤣 shouldn’t he decide after the excitement fade off🤔🤣

  9. I guess all the adrenaline made him forgot about his gun skills 😂. That is what bothered him when started SGH, but all thought thrown out the window with the spirit of “I had to share half the burden of Mac propping the sky”! Cute!