You Use a Gun, I Use a BowCh24 - My situation is too tough!


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Translator's Note

literally, more with the idea of Buddhism where you’re mindful of the moment you’re in but at the same time calm and peaceful

Translator's Note

yuuki: Another term for it is “macro-management”, which typically refers to overall map awareness (in relation to positions of his enemies and the eventual circle enclosures, and optimal places to camp), objective controls and decision making to achieve victory in the game.

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  1. Ah ah ah

    Thanks for the chapter ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚.

    Lol with some one who can’t lie properly to save them life No Chen has successfully been fooled by him.

    And I had that feeling from the moment I saw them but back down when Ruby came in. The author is very cunning putting Ruby in as a barrier when the two a hiding but I figure it out 😆

  2. LMAO Momo firmly believing Xixi wouldn’t pretend bc he’s too pure is too cute! Also, Ai Zhe and Blue Wolf?? 👀

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  3. Momo being anxious and wanting Wen xi to know his real identity is cute

    Thank you for the chapter

  4. Wen Xi shouldn’t doubt too much of his commentary, he’s Just different from the rest.

    Huh?blue Wolf and Ai Zhe? Ohhhh I didn’t see that coming.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  5. Love how relentless Momo is in pursuing XiXi as a team mate! But it seems to be working…Thanks for the chapter 💕

  6. Doting Mo Chen, my cute and innocent Wen Xi wouldn’t play a trick on me!


    Wen Xi giving all the praises raising Mo Chen’s tail soooo high 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Mo Chen being happy is so cute lol

    And OHHhhh Ai Zhe and Blue Wolf 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 Heh

    Thank you for the chapter~

  7. Momo is so cute! No, Wency isn’t face blind: he just genuinely apperciate you!!!💕

    Ai Zhe and Blue Wolf 👀 … I had aleady seen it coming eheheh 😊

    Also, poor Wen Xi… Hope he can do better comments in his livestream..

  8. Excuse me as I laugh away my existence. I almost died from lack of air from this, but it would’ve been worth it.

    Thank you for the chapter!!!!!!!~~~~

  9. Lol, I love how Wen Xi is like “why are the commentators praising people for performing average skills?” He’s basically saying “why are these pros so weak compared to myself and Mo Chen?” lol. Haha, no self-awareness. If you think everyone on the professional stage is “average” then maybe you should think of what that says about your own skills and take Momo up on his offer to join that stage already.

  10. Momo, don’t start getting jealous of yourself in the future now ok. 😂

    Also Blue Wolf And Love Pig 😳

    Damn. That sounds like a title.

    Love – Pink/Red.

    Color, Animal. Color, Animal.


  11. The little MC is cute but so naive and foolish (though not quite as naive as ml thinks) that I keep thinking “is this really ok, to wear your heart on your sleeve like?” And “ugh, if you’re like this, you’ll get taken away by a bad man!” ominous foreshadowing

  12. Wen Xi questioning Ai Zhe and Blue Wolf relationship makes me think about the 20 minutes of throwing the trash before, was He really only throwing the trash thoo?? LOL 🤣🤣

  13. Ohh i see. That’s why I always felt that there’s something fishy when I was reading some texts when both Ai zhe and blue wolf are involved tsk tsk, what could it be??

  14. There’s seem to be a miss match of jobs here… Momo should be a recruiter or and MLM member he really can swindled anyone with his top notch persuasion skills. Then there’s Magic Xi… Who should be an entertainment manager that just in the Livestream… He really knows how to market her talents 🤔🤣🤣🤣

  15. Wonder whether Ruby jiejie’s comment would be more aligned with Xixi’s or of those casters ne..

  16. ya’ll I just got to comment this, but between Ai Zhe and Blue Wolf who is the Gong and who is the Shou? Like from reading so far I feel like Ai Zhe would be Shou, but then after reading the extra at the end, between Ai Zhe and Blue Wolf’s relationship why do I feel like Blue Wolf would be the Shou? Like he’s just more wife material than Ai Zhe who doesn’t even wake up until the afternoon, like Blue Wolf can cook, he can clean, he does chores, and after all at first Blue Wolf was said to be very dependent on Ai Zhe and Ai Zhe just generally sound more like the Gong at the end, HELP! I don’t know who is the Gong and Shou between them!!!