You Use a Gun, I Use a BowCh23 - Mac is too handsome!


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Translator's Note

create fish soup in the fish bowl

Translator's Note

slang term used to mean praise that acts like a curse

Translator's Note

yuuki: an “aimbot” would be appropriate. However, you could also use “external plug-in” because in PUBG, there are also hackers who have plugins that allow them to glitch/see the positions of everyone on the map, but in this case, it’s probably aim assist.

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  1. Momo, this is when you should strike while the iron is hot! Your darling Wen Xi is wavering and may have already fallen at this point. 😂

  2. Lmao Wen Xi’s mind is in the gutter 😭😂 no thoughts head full of Mac hahahahaha