You Use a Gun, I Use a BowCh19 - At the scene of a proposal?


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Translator's Note

literally fish soup since the Chinese phrase for rookie concentration camp is fishbowl

Translator's Note

basically a crude way of calling someone a bootlicker or kiss-up

Translator's Note

literally, melons forcefully plucked aren’t sweet

Translator's Note

wo si le-i’m dead

Translator's Note

literally, laminated down

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  1. Awww Love Pig don’t worry Mac will appreciate your fan love one day but for now you must be sacrificed as the light bulb. Also the amount of dog food I getting is wonderful with how Wenxi got a heartthrob is gold ❤

    thank you for the chapter😍

  2. Ai Zhe has nothing to do with them. To be together with Momo and Wen Xi in a team Just makes him lose face. Hehe

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. Lol woulda been nice if the stream followers gave wenxi some tips/coins/torpedos(?) in congratulations when they married him off to easily.

  4. Ahh~ Wen Xi is just too adorable whereas Mo Chen is too good at flirting! Hehe Love Pig’s and his fans’ guesses are right~ They just can’t ascertain it~

    Thank you for translating!

  5. About 10 minutes later, the first circle began to shrink, and the four people got on a pair of motorcycles and drove towards the safe zone.

    At this time, Ai Zhe and Ruby both had 0 kills, Mo Chen had 6, and Wen Xi had 9!







  6. I feel like Mo Chen is like Ushijima Wakatoshi from Haikyuu with his “You should’ve come to Shiratorizawa” turned to “You should really consider playing professionally” instead 🤣

  7. MoMo didn’t headshot Wen Xi… But he aimed through his heart lol he really is a sharpshooter… In game and in person lol

  8. I do feel bad for Ai Zhe because at the end of the day, he is a skill-based anchor who can’t show off his skills due to Momo’s presence… but I really like it when these 4 team up. It’s chaotic and sweet 😂