You Use a Gun, I Use a BowCh17 - I’ve avenged you


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Translator's Note

Mary Sue, perfect character

Translator's Note

literally, why does his head seem so bright, relating to the fact that being a lightbulb is the Chinese equivalent of a third wheel

Translator's Note

the original metaphor is that since the rookie concentration camp is a “fishbowl”, Momo is a shark willing to swim through the fishbowl for Wen Xi

Translator's Note

scurried away like a rat to its hole

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  1. Mo Chen: Botter? Hmph! Come and kill me if you can!!

    Wen Xi got shot and killed

    Mo Chen:……………

    /My (future) wife!!!!!!

    /avenged Wen Xi and blew himself up with grenade lmaoooo

    So cool 💕💕💕 Mo Chen getting restless of the potential of other people coming for his Wen Xi lol Love Pig is so cute XDD

    Thank you for the chapter~

  2. Man, I really love Mo Chen.

    “Okay, I’ve avenged you” that was so cool

    And Wen Xi is soo cute!!!

    Thank you for the chapter!!! 🖤🖤🖤

  3. Momo so cool~ He become more serious and silent once Wency died It wasn’t until he had his revenge did he finally calm down~~

    He can just die and continue the next match with the others but no, he had promised he will take Wency in the top ranking and since that failed, he took revenge and showed not even bots can defeat him lolThank you for the chapter!

  4. Momo avenged Wen Xi!! He’s so cool! And so flirty. Wen Xi can’t resist that for long.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  5. I swear, Mo Chen is feeding us so much dog food and I’m just eating it up 😂😂 Botter kills two of his squad members and he’s like: meh, but the moment they mess with Wen Xi, he goes all out for revenge before killing himself with a grenade, unable to continue on without Wen Xi xDDDD

    Thank you for the chapter!

    • +1 me since their first date. Also bcs of this I’m looking forward for Momo to fall for WX for real ( not just throwing money and flirt to bait WX into his team)

      But I have no complain over the dog food rn ahaha

  6. Everytime I see Momo and Wen Xi, I remember certain person. Ahh momo is so cool ✨

    Thanks for your hardwork! ❤