You Use a Gun, I Use a BowCh16 - Not as cute as you.


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Translator's Note

the chinese saying is a light bulb

Translator's Note

shady backroom deals basically

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  1. Mo Chen being protective of him <3333333

    And spreading dog food everywhere…thumbs up for Mo Chen

    Can’t wait to see how they operate with each other XDDD Ruby suits Love Pig well too!

    Thank you for the chapter💕

  2. Mo Chen is really nice. He’s so easy to talk to! Well, If you’re Wen Xi, that’s it. He’s cold to other people, it seems.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. Momo: I’m only this gentle and nice and doting to my Xixi <( ̄︶ ̄)>

    Poor rando girl XD (But really, why would you barge in to a private room where two people who don’t know you are clearly busy conversing, just to try to hit on one of them??)

    And geez Momo, stop force-feeding us dog food will ya XD

    I really like all the side characters in this novel so far. Not a single one has irritated or annoyed me, and I find them all fun and interesting

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. WX dazes around so much..Somehow I feel that they are progressing so fast. Was it mentioned somewhere that WX is gay? He sure accepted this so fast.

    Momo has really started to fall for WX.Thanks for the chapter.

  5. With this, without a doubt all captains of eSports are really shameless 🤔😂😂 Yao Sen, Jiang Xun, Shen Qi and now added to the list MoMo 😂😂😂

  6. ah! ah! ah! are we going with the trope of ‘she fell first, but he fell harder‘? Falling down the stairs or falling in love doesn’t matter, it still hurts the same either way….