BOSS's Guide To Seeking DeathCh84 - Foster Parents


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Translator's Note

wife’s parents

Katie: Gahahaha What a meaningful slip of the tongue~

Translator's Note

also parents-in-law, but what a wife called their husband’s parents.

Translator's Note

Did i miss something?? Why is it a family of five?? Is the daughter in law pregnant????? I’ll come back if i find out…

Translator's Note

Stoooop you’re gonna make me cry.

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  1. I won’t read this until the face slapping chapter comes out since if i’m going to rage I gotta get the closure next lmao but thanks for the chapter!♥️

  2. Why would anyone think it’s a good idea to have a child in the apocalypse? Like people are barely surviving and you’re thinking about reproduction? Also why do women think that their only best asset is a womb, like there’s so more but then…ai😑

  3. these two are very blind to not see those interaction as lovey-dovey. ಠಿヮಠ that’s a face full of dogfood right thereand who the hell thinks Nie Yi wants a child? can’t they see he doesn’t even interact or particularly like (not dislike) the little kids of the Chenguang team? Heck he constantly chases one away (Wi An) (≧▽≦) but he can’t cause Jingchen’s attached to the kidAND if this leads to a dogblood drama trope,where when Jingchen hears about this proposal for an “baby”, and brings it up to Nie Yithere will be a fire showcause the heck are they doing trying to sabotage all Nie shao’s efforts of wooing Jingchen since a lifetime ago? Nie Shao’s been working hard (人*´∀`)。*゚+
  4. Ay, their thought are too stupid and ridiculous! I hate that they talk of Qi Jingchen as if he was something Nie Yi is going to discard, as if Qi Jingchen was weak. Agh, I hope Qi Jingchen proves them wrong when the time comes, also I hope that when the time comes, Nie Yi will also tell them he already knew QJC was so powerful.Those father and daughter pair are indeed annoying. I want to hug Qi Jingchen T TThanks for the chapter!!!

  5. Erase that part about the Scum father and daughter and It’d be a nostalgic chapter. Qi Jingchen has not forgotten his thoughts about death.Thanks for the chapter!

  6. This chapter is sad. I had a very small hope that his parents would be alive, even though QJC was sure they were dead. It hurts me so much to see him depressed.

    I want to slap XQY. Shut the fuck up, you don’t know anything about QJC!! Go away 😭😭

    Thank you very much for the chapter 🥰 I love this novel!!

  7. Only such scheming person could have such vivid imaginations….. Heh. Just try it and you will really get such a “good” life that you don’t even know where your life went~

    Thanks for the chapter! 💜

  8. I doubt Nie Yi wants a child even if its his and Jingchen. He’ll probably be afraid that the child will take Jingchen away from him hahaha

  9. I hate them (Xu father and his daughter). I want to kill them when I read about them in every chapter.

  10. pampering a pet?¿ lol it’s more like Nie yi is the dog hahahaha. Always following Qichen and being sticky.

  11. Lol in my head I’m just like…

    Xu Quiyu: Thinking up a palace drama. Confident.jpg 😌

    Nie Yi: sneers

    Qi Jingchen: Hehe

    Me: Prepare to be face-slapped 😏