BOSS's Guide To Seeking DeathCh75 - Impossible To Unravel


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Translator's Note

fox grieves when the rabbit dies The proverb is used derogatorily to refer to the forlornness that bad people feel upon learning the misfortune of their like.

Translator's Note

i think that that’s a cool thing (heh) to get used to

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    • sigh i feel bad for that dude and his cousin, imagine your only family left in this despair filled world, young teenage introverted shut-in being used for experiments only to die and be left with all the other many corpses ╥﹏╥

      • Its really tear jerking and now they have started targeting families too. Think about that Mu woman…I really didn’t expect General Sun to act so righteously and end up involved in this kind of immoral act. Hypocrite!

  1. Gosh that general needs to be slowly roasted so he could suffer longer 💀

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  2. How dare he have his son be his scapegoat. Even if he’s also a responsible party.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  3. Once discovered, this general Sun is not brave enough to admit his blame? Disgusting.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. Thanks for the chapter! The question is: did General Sun do this because he loves his son who is dying, or did he do this because he wants his son to command and his daughter to focus on having babies? Considering how traditional the old fart is, it wouldn’t surprise me.

  5. He actually dared to show his fricking face and try playing the ignorant card? And he’s gonna hide behind his sick son’s back?

    I just knew this bastard is a douchey scumbag. And he even let the researchers escape! Especially that head who’s being screams ‘DANGEROUS’

    Remeber that prisons now can’t be maintained? So he’ll be getting the death penalty. If only it is legal and possible to give him something that would make him suffer physically and mentally while slowly dying. The hundred, possibly more, victims suffered a lot, the families who searched for them and was eliminated suffered a lot, and the people left behind… i hope he gets the rightful punishment he deserves. 😡 he is as guilty as the research head

    I don’t think this Sun general deserves any type of mercy. Even if he coughs out the name of the head researchers or the direction they went to.

    The sicko escaped and would cause more harm because he let him escape.

    Thank you for all your hard work and time spent translating 💐🙇‍♀️💕