BOSS's Guide To Seeking DeathCh72 - Spiritual Strength


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Translator's Note

Ruru: Nie Yi’s foot fetish levelled up! (+1)

Translator's Note

Ruru: Why is this so suggestive :D

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  1. Fortunately his children came out good despite that old man’s parenting & personality.. Also I thought stealing other people’s ability doesnt really work? Hmm

    Thanks for the chapter! 💕

  2. Jingchen comes out of the truck, Nie Yi sees his sleepy appearance: „Jingchen, how are you feeling?“

    Jingchen: „My back hurts.“ From his crooked sleeping position.

    Sun Chengzhi: „…“

    Sun Chengzhi: „!!!”

  3. Hmm what if SCZ bro is the one behind Mu Yi’s husband death…

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  4. thank you for the chapter ❤️ [Mother Ping is really the MPV of the team, she can cook, teach, take care of the children, is a doctor and a awesome person on general]

  5. I feel like SCZ is legitimately a good person. I hope she finds a good little wife hahaha. Wonder about that childhood friend of hers. Dad seems not good though. Let’s see if this trap is fruitful though 😁

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  6. Hmmm. If the general Sun and his daughter are not the ones making the researching… Then Who? It must be a big shot in the base, for sure.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  7. I still feel that it could be the dad and the sickly son…. maybe the guy friend as well? I think he might want to absorb other similar ability nucleus to get stronger? 🤔

    I wonder if they need a trigger to remember the events of their last life… QJC’s fever and body pains, Nie Yi’s traitorous white moonlight (maybe his unconcious got angered to death, hence he recalled everything), ….

    Thank you for translating 💐🙇‍♀️💕

  8. Oh that’s sweet. I hope her brother does become an ability user and he stops suffering.

    But what if they killed MY’s husband bc someone (maybe the father) wanted to make Sun Huan an ability user? Yikes.