BOSS's Guide To Seeking DeathCh63 - Amusement Park


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Translator's Note

Imo, I think Weiguo and the rest were just being realistic? Like, ok, technically… Nie Yi and the others would absolutely do the same? It’s the apocalypse, call me heartless, but if they aren’t willing to even contribute, like Yaoyao and Jiayu in their last life, I would seriously consider kicking them out.

Translator's Note

a tomb sweeping festival that occurs every early April. Technically zongzis are for Duanwu Festival, which is every fifth of May, but Qingming is when ppl pull out a lot of good homemade food to offer to their ancestors and (depending on where you’re from) eat it after.

Translator's Note

Ruru: Nie Yi (trying to justify himself): The leaves could cut Jingchen’s precious hands!!

Translator's Note

灶台 the older version, i’m guessing.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Translator's Note

Meri: rip su haisheng

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  1. Half of the chapter is under the stove link… Thanks for the chapter

  2. The amusement Park Will be the burial place for Su Haisheng If he tries something against Qi Jingchen.

    I’m glad Qi An didn’t forgot his little friends.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. Jingchen smiled so much this chapter x3

    Huzzah. I see your character development Yaoyao..I hope she meets a nice companion to be closer too. It sucks she can’t even hug her gege

  4. Thank you for translating 💕🙏💕

    Will next chapter be a bloodbath? 😄 i wonder how they’d deal with the base’s ability users around Old Su?

    Well, no need to keep bad weeds 🤷‍♀️

    I hope they’d be able to have a nice trip to the amusement park 😁

  5. Now that QJC is talking so much I am unsure of how to feel… Happy but so strange!

    Thanks for translating and for the team!