BOSS's Guide To Seeking DeathCh60 - Get Along


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Translator's Note

Katie: Lol, Jingchen breaking all constraints of being humble there XD

Translator's Note

Katie: Bwahaha. Concubine Nie has grave concerns!

Translator's Note

not literal. Means he hadn’t hit puberty

Translator's Note

Katie: You’re the one with the special hobby freaking cannibal!

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  1. QA’s worship has gone to another level….NY being jealous is like a daily occurrence by now.If in a chapter he doesn’t get jealous, it seems something is missing.

    Thanks for the chapter

  2. Well i somehow don’t like Qi An

    He’s too arrogant compared to his power

    I really hate a Man (even boy) that talk big but do little

  3. Man, thinking about what everyone went through before and after the apocalypse and what kinda person they came out from it makes me both sad yet proud for them 😢❤️ I love how this story has such diverse characters and back stories that just pull me in

    Thanks for the chapterrrr

  4. NY schemes everywhere. Against his enemies, rivals, imagined rivals, cute children, lettuce plants…

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  5. I love Qi An, but I also have a weakness for chuuni-type characters as comic relief. He’s so convinced in Boss that of course Boss is the one one pushing down, NOT the one being pushed down! Though, to be fair, Nie Yi is incredibly whipped and hasn’t actually gotten anywhere yet. I’m happy to see the family grow!

    Thanks for your hard work translating!

  6. [“Good boy, next time, remember to call me sister-in-law.” Nie Yi shook Qi An in his hands.]

    These lines make me imagine, a peacock Nie Yi showing off his beautiful feathers😂

    Thank you for translating 💕💕💕

  7. oh man qi an is way too cute… but it’s nice that he can be so capricious too, with the other kids and with anyone else he definitely has to maintain the aura and responsibilities of an adult :/ another kid that didn’t have a childhood…

  8. Qi An picking up a little sister in the form of Xiaomao???? Considering their shared rare trait of being space ability users HAHAHHAHAA

    Qi An acknowledging Nie Yi as his sister-in-law is probably the funniest thing in this chapter hehehe also Zihai eating vinegar………

    Thanks for the chapter!!