BOSS's Guide To Seeking DeathCh48 - Water Ability Upgrade


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Translator's Note

Ruru: noooo the family jewelssss T.T

Translator's Note

I googled the recipe for meat floss and, hm, it was easier than I thought?? I thought they were made by machinery or something…

Translator's Note

Ruru: hahah Beth’s cookbook
Lol I got a random cameo

Translator's Note

爱人. While also meaning lovers, this one means the person he genuinely loves, while the above ‘lover’情人 Fei Xuelei mentioned is sort of a plaything, or not serious lover. For example, the ‘lover’ may be someone you’re dating, but you aren’t in love, whereas ‘the person I love’ is someone you love, even if you weren’t and aren’t dating.

Translator's Note

Ruru: HAHAH he’s judging them

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  1. Why everything is getting worse so fast!? Could it be related to their reborn?!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. Thanks for the chapter!

    I wonder why everything is accelerating? Maybe it has something to do with QJC growing abilities? He does have the dark power after all

  3. gays really are stronger than straight people… look at this prince consort showing off before his emperor!

  4. I always love to see one of these chapters and I’m so thankful for them at this time. Thank you so much!