BOSS's Guide To Seeking DeathCh47 - Small Base


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  1. I feel like I would probably be the person asking, “why?” Only, I’d likely not do it very loud, if out loud. Sometimes I annoyed my parents with how I questioned them.

  2. NY sure has high aspirations with making QJC an emperor, it just shows how much he loves QJC. thanks for the chapter.

  3. Well. Other than to QJC it’s not like he is a good person anyways. Glad PSC could reunite with his parents. Sad for the others though.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  4. Nie Yi can seem egoist, but he knows a good heart is not gonna keep them alive. He only looks forward a good life for Qi Jingchen and himself.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  5. Ayyyyy what do u have against women u literally have one next to u making earth slopes n $hit smh😠 I wonder isn’t the author female When they make bl I know it’s not like all the time but I’m confused on why they’re also misogynistic😂😭