BOSS's Guide To Seeking DeathCh46 - Arrival


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Translator's Note

Katie: Oh, you know, just some hair and nails. Special order~

Translator's Note

Ruru: she discovered the zihai x shengchao ship

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  1. Ahh Ping Ping, congrats for your survival and meeting your mother 😁

    Thanks for the chapter ❤

  2. Yaoyao is slowly learning the ways of men…

    Yay~ more family reunited!

    Thanks for the chapter~ ( ^ ♡ ^ )/

  3. PSC is such a good boy. It seems like he’s building his own ship 👌🏻

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  4. Good thing PSC didn’t turn into a zombie and now he’s about to reunite with his mom 👍

    Will Qi Yaoyao ever get an ability? She died pretty early in the previous life if i remember correctly 🤔

    I hope she gets one!

    Thank you for translating 💕

  5. And now P ing Shengchao and Zhang Zihai’ ship has sailed away! Hehehe. Yaoyao, you’re so cute.

    Thanks for the chapter!