BOSS's Guide To Seeking DeathCh44 - Departure


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Translator's Note

digging the corner of a wall, it’s to snatch away someone’s lover and ruin their relationship

Translator's Note


Translator's Note

Ruru: Omg I laughed so hard when he punched him twice HAHAH

Translator's Note

Katie: Lolol. Who’s a muddled, infatuated man? How dare he look down on Concubine Nie!

Translator's Note

A Buddhist term. When beings awaken to Buddhahood, they influence the environment around them, causing it to be free of ignorance, aggression, and attachment. Sort of like heaven?

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  1. I think YXG will come into his team sooner or later…anyways NBY is really not someone who should have that kind of authority considering how easily he can be deceived. thanks for the chapter.

  2. Taking the wind outta everyone’s sails everyday.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  3. How satisfying! Nie Yi went away before that scum could cause him troubles. Now it’s time to build their own place.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. Yu Xuguang is turning out to be the hardest shipper out there. He and his sister are rooting for our couple so hard hahah

  5. It’s quite interesting imo. How ML, Yu Shuo, Yu Xuguang have different misconception of each others. It’s just how human be I guess, believing what we believe to be true, not realizing everyone have their own version of a story