BOSS's Guide To Seeking DeathCh42 - Guan Jiayu


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Translator's Note

Translator's Note

places him at the tip of his heart- an idiom in chinese

Translator's Note

okay so this sentence is really vague, because he uses the word 要. This word seriously could mean quite a few things, from ‘he wants to treat me well’, to ‘he should treat me well’

Translator's Note

Translator's Note

Translator's Note

rotten peach flower. In this context, it means a person who is rotten because of one-sided love or refusing to give up on chasing after someone who rejected them. Usually means a bad illicit affair.

Translator's Note

Katie: Dun-dun-dun! Perfect example of judging a noble’s heart with a villain’s intentions.

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  1. Eek disgusting 🤮 if I remember correctly she should be (indirectly?) the cause of QJC’s abilities being discovered right?

    • she was the direct cause. yaoyao was indirect cause by telling guanyu in last life about jingchen healing her and then guanyu sold out the siblings directly resulting in yaoyao death and jingchen imprisonment.

    • Oh right right I had mistaken her for yaoyao

  2. The girls going to get it LOL Waiting for a good show👀

  3. Oh you bitch, you’re fucked. And not in a good way hahaha!

  4. reading the title and chapter name at the start of the page i truly felt this was guanyu guide to seeking death haha

  5. Lolol sorry Guan Jiayu you won’t be finding sympathy here AT ALL. She’s probably in the top three of Nie Yi’s shitlist. Given what Qi Jingchen was put thru because of her, she’ll be lucky if she gets to have a horrible ending cuz hey, it’s an ending.

  6. GJY is a classic example of a person who suffers setbacks but never learns…a person without remorse. Atleast QYY has learned something.

  7. Bi, you r gonna die. If I were you I wouldn’t believe him but luckily (truly) am not you. So go and knock on death’s door.

  8. Wow I really want to take back what I said last chapter I feel no pity thought she was taking advantage of but nope she a conniving bïtch😂