BOSS's Guide To Seeking DeathCh38 - Missions


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Translator's Note

Drive a lightweight chariot on a familiar road. Means a walk in the park, but here it probably meant the more literal version.

Translator's Note

Referring to the fact that people abruptly turning into zombies for the very first time happened at night, so that means there’ll be many zombies in a hospital

Translator's Note

Katie: Blerghhhh. Here come the cannibals. *vomits*

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  1. Gosh human sometimes can turned into monsters with only survival in their mind 💀

    Thanks for the chapter ❤

  2. It would seem everyone’s joy is about to be crushed.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  3. Cannibals, huh? And they have the nerve to ask for help… I Wonder how the team Will take care of them.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. I hadn’t noticed the switch to British English…actually, I think that a lot of Americans are used to seeing both methods of spelling words. It doesn’t bother me at all.

    However, mixing up 2 completely different words (reign and reins) always drives me nuts. A lot of my peers use the wrong spelling in idioms for homonyms. “Reign of terror” (about being in charge) and “free rein” (referring to reins, which steer a horse) are 2 sayings that get spelled incorrectly a lot.. .

  5. :OOOOO CANNIBALS NOOOOOO Boi better get rid of them this reminds me of people who ate Qi Jingchen’s flesh ;-;;

  6. I learned a mish-mash of British and American English too. To this day I still use words from both of them lol

    oof I forgot about the warning. Cannibals huh?

  7. I feel bad for Qi Jingchen. I feel like seeing this scene must have triggered some traumatic experiences for him. Even though it was a long time ago, and he got his revenge and was even reborn, it could still be a touching subject for him…