BOSS's Guide To Seeking DeathCh28 - Ability User Base


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  1. I just lit a candle for Xiao Yu… now I light another for the guy who mistakenly throws a fireball to an ‘ability-less’ QJC…

    Thanks for the chapter~ ( ^ ♡ ^ )/

  2. Lol who was it that so ready to throw their life away ???

    Thanks for the chapter ❤

  3. when a chapter ends like this i remember why a word ‘anger’ is a part of the word ‘cliffhanger’ goes to roll around what’s gonna be next omg so excited😆

  4. I finally caught up ah QAQ, thank you for the amazing chapter! I wonder what will become of the little sister later on XD

  5. Therefore, they looked down on those external ability users, especially towards Shao Zhenglan, a woman

    I didn’t think they’d be fuckin sexist like the fuck! Ever fucking heard of a female soldier!? Pieces of shit.