BOSS's Guide To Seeking DeathCh26 - Settling Down


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Translator's Note


Translator's Note

大杀四方 literally means great killings all around, more or less means superbly skilled

Translator's Note

纨绔direct translation means silkpants, it means the hedonistic children of the rich

Translator's Note

specifically, large layout, eg, 3 bedrooms 2 baths

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  1. QJC would look more like a pampered 2nd generation than the actual pampered 2nd gens… I can’t wait for him to get better and finally show his ability…

    Thanks for the chapter~ ( ^ ♡ ^ )/

  2. Yaoyao wanting to get stronger to take his Ge away from the pervert is so cute.

    Is it the first time Qi Jingchen sees his reflection? After so many Years… It must be shocking.

  3. I love how QJ just mentions how things are really good and lively, then ends it with, ‘it’s not gonna last anyway…🤷🤷’ 😂😂

  4. Darling, I really am sympathize, I really do. No body should suffer that toture. I get, yes, but really. Can you stop being negative for one moment. Just one. Is it really that bad. You just make me want to know 👊👤💥 🎶 Everybody know kung fu fighting~🎵