BOSS's Guide To Seeking DeathCh16 - Envy


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  1. You people could only hate and envy! Stupid gullible people not even thinking before believing what someone youre not even close to, said out of nowhere

    • Ryan Zhe will have his uses yet, I’m sure. This kind of character either will become a big villain (I’m not expecting that considering his lack of sense!) Or just a comedic foil there to cause some drama but in the end gets his face slapped.

  2. Just throw that Yan Zhe to a bunch of zombies to be their chew toy 😤

    Thanks for the chapter ❤

  3. Hmph, Yan Zhe really has to leave! Jingchen is actually very powerful, you know?

    Thank you for the chapter!

  4. I’m sad he’s still so jaded, but I love how much of a queen he is.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  5. Qjc attitude towards people that envy him is what i somewhat hope to achieve one day, except without the gore thank you lol