Baby MommaCh11 - The Contract

“Mrs. Bernard.” Chenyi said coolly.

Ian’s eyebrows furrowed at the woman he’s never seen before. She was a Bernard, was she Ian’s mother? t7PMep

“Mommy, what’s grandma Aline doing at our house?” The little bun asked.

That just cemented Ian’s thoughts, it really was Ian’s mother. What was she doing here? And why was she talking about a contract?

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“I don’t know Duo’er…”, he whispered softly to the boy before taking him into his arms. Something was really wrong about the situation, it made him feel anxious.

Aline Bernard saw this and her nostrils flared in anger. Her eye twitched before she took a deep breath and acted as she usually was. Calm, composed, and sophisticated. It did not matter that her own son would be like this, she cannot stray from her upbringing. duOmEr

“Mr. Cheng, you cannot continue this. We have agreed—”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“So?” Chenyi challenged, “I can terminate the contract whenever I want, what do I have to lose?”

“Mr. Cheng—!” Aline’s eyes widened in rage and her fists clenched.

“Please escort Mrs. Bernard out of the household.” Chenyi ordered with a wave of his hand.


Aline narrowed her eyes before turning towards the front door with a huff.

“And…” he continued before she could reach the door, “Never let her in unless I say so ever again.”

She threw him a look before strutting out and slamming the door as the maid guided her outside.


“Chenyi…” Ian said once Wenduo was distracted, “What’s the contract?”

“You don’t remember?” Chenyi asked nonchalantly as he finished signing the paperwork.

Ian bit his lip, he still didn’t tell Chenyi about being a different Ian. So he didn’t know how to explain it.

Chenyi however saw his distressed look before he gave the contract the Bernards and Chenyi made. p1vfWo

Ian’s eyes widened once he read it, “This…”

“Once Wenduo reaches four years old, I can divorce you whenever I want. However, we aren’t to stay married. Which is why it surprised me so much when you told me you wanted to stay with Wenduo. I assumed your parents told you about this contract. They probably just told you that you had to marry me to give me an heir, correct?” Chenyi said.

Ian, having nothing else to say, nodded.

“They wanted you to continue with your work as soon as you were able, but couldn’t just divorce directly. When people find out we were married but divorced immediately once Wenduo was born, they’ll start to question things and your parents didn’t want that.” Chenyi explained before sitting down beside him. OkZPeX

Ian reflexively settled into his side, “But what’s in it for them?”

“Contacts, connections. I’ve been helping Mr. Bernard’s business for a few years now.” Chenyi stated before wrapping an arm around Ian and settling his chin on his head. Ian hesitated after learning about everything but he set his head on his chest and closed his eyes instead, planning to trust Chenyi.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“But now, I’m going to stop this.”

This Author wants to say something: uy3VGB

CCY: I’m going to stop this.

IMBC: …you honestly think I’m gonna forget that you guys made me into some sort of heir maker? *narrows eyes*

CCY: *sweatdrop*


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