The A in the Opposite Dorm Always Thinks I'm Pretending to be a BChapter 48

Regardless of whether they studied or not, the final exams were there and approaching day by day.

Their heads were balding as the exam neared; this was the true portrayal of practically all the students. What’s more, this time there was also an assessment course that the school suddenly changed into an exam course. It actually didn’t take much time for the instructors to prepare the exam papers, but the students were speechless. QBCNpS

When Qin Zhao casually mentioned this one time after class, he smiled as he watched the students below the podium look as though they were acting out the world famous scream painting. Ning An felt that he must have done it on purpose.

“Of course I didn’t do this on purpose, although I really did propose this idea to the school, but who could have known that they would actually listen to me.” Qin Zhao feigned innocence and spread his hands. “You’re my number one disciple. I believe that you certainly won’t have a problem.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Thank you for your blessing.” Ning An grumpily replied.

“Ah, right. I don’t think I’ve asked you what elective you want to choose for your second year. What do you plan to do? How about going into the political science faculty?” kMdbWw

“I plan to drop out of school and go back to inherit my family’s business.”

“Hm? I thought you were going to follow your boyfriend to try out for the mecha faculty. He’s that one in Alpha Class 1……”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Instructor, I don’t have a boyfriend.” Ning An’s head was full of black lines as he interrupted Qin Zhao. “We’re just classmates.”

“Ct, bxjs.” Rlcu Cc ofia atja atfgf kjr j rqfmlji wfjclcu lc Hlc Itjb’r ujhf. “Lbkfnfg, sbe gfjiis rtbeiv atlcx jybea ktja fifmalnf ab mtbbrf obg sbeg rfmbcv sfjg. C iba bo raevfcar tjnf jigfjvs mbwf ab wf obg jvnlmf. P atlcx atja sbe’ii tjnf wbgf gbbw obg ugbkat lo sbe ub lcab atf qbilalmji rmlfcmf ojmeias.”


“I’ll think about it. Thank you instructor.”

Ning An hadn’t had the time to consider this matter. He hadn’t even memorised more than half of his books when the end of term exams came up with another curve ball.

Ning An first heard the news from Qin Zhao’s mouth.

“Field training?” XxEdyt

“Yeah.” Qin Zhao broke the lollipop in his mouth and used the stick with still a few broken candy pieces stuck to it to draw a circle in the air. “The higher ups want to try something new. There won’t be an indoor combat exam; it’s been changed to field training.”

“Is this really not because of your impulsive proposal?” Ning An had the urge to roll up his sleeves and beat someone up.

“Of course not, you have to believe me, although I did approve of it when we voted.” Qin Zhao crunched on the remaining candy pieces in his mouth. “Isn’t this pretty good? Military tactics on paper is all child’s play. It’s good for you guys to go out and develop your skills.”

“I really must thank you for your hard work, instructor.” Ning An said while gnashing his teeth in anger, but since this was already set, he should still quickly go back to memorise his books and then think about how to deal with field training. WSdCV7

Regardless of how the students wailed like ghosts after finding out about this exam item, Fu Ke felt that this was a golden opportunity bestowed by the heavens. He thought about using his connections to be allocated into the same group as Ning An. An Alpha and Beta alone in the wild forest; they would certainly be able to develop their feelings.

But then Derek told him that there was no grouping this time; each person was their own team.

“You don’t have to look at me with that kind of expression.” Derek comforted him. “Although the school didn’t divide us into groups, they also didn’t say that we weren’t allowed to team up ourselves. When the time comes for all of us to parachute and land, you just have to see where he is landing and steer yourself in that area. You can then run into him and team up.”

Fu Ke felt that this was reasonable, and because of this, he also specially did some research on parachuting. N6eGpU

However, God's plan superseded his own.

“Something like fate can’t be forced ah. We couldn’t have expected this.” Derek separated Fu Ke from He Xin and tried to appease him. Fu Ke’s entire body was exuding an ‘I’m not happy’ aura, as opposite to He Xin who was curiously looking around at the new environment.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

In the backpacks provided by the school, there was enough food and water to last three days, as well as a flint stone and a short knife. Other supplies were all located at specific supply points set up by the school and required the students to look for them.

The school also hid a lot of small badges within the forest which could be used for extra points. JHSdxz

Fu Ke had originally calculated everything perfectly. He had also pinpointed the direction of the wind and the area that Ning An was landing, but who could have known that a sudden gust of wind would blow him in a completely different direction. Comparing this with Derek and He Xin who successfully met up, his expression became even more ugly.

“Hey, don’t just eat whatever you want……” Before Derek could stop He Xin, He Xin had already bitten off half the fruit in his hand. Derek quickly walked up to pat He Xin’s back. “Hurry up and spit it out! Then rinse your mouth with water!”

“This is a very common fruit on the mountains over at my place. It’s pretty sweet. I have another one for you.” He Xin took another bit of the wild fruit. His bulging cheeks made him look a lot like a hamster that was hiding food. He spat the pit onto the ground and then pushed away Derek’s hand that was patting his back. “I often went to the mountains to pick this when I was young. I haven’t eaten this in a long time.”

Derek was still a little worried and cupped He Xin’s face, examining it left and right. His tone didn’t hide his distress: “How are you feeling? Are you uncomfortable anywhere?” UOwZce

“I’m very good, you don’t need to worry.” He Xin roughly cleaned another wild fruit against his clothes and then stuffed it into Derek’s mouth. Since it was delivered to his lips, Derek had no choice but to take a small bite. The flesh was soft and the juice was sweet. He Xin asked in anticipation: “It’s delicious, right?”

“En.” The flavour really was good. Derek finished the entire fruit out of He Xin’s hand and his gaze fell onto his moving lips. The fruit-stained lips looked even brighter than usual; the lustre also looked very appetising.

He Xin was completely oblivious to the fact that Derek’s gaze had changed. He was still excitedly talking about the delicious wild fruit. “My grandmother said that this kind of fruit is very rare. Each tree can only produce a few, and sometimes they don’t produce a single fruit in a year. I didn’t expect that I would be able to see such a rare delicious fruit here.”

“Of course, it’s always because delicious things are rare that people would savour the flavour.” Derek said as he pretended to inadvertently rub He Xin’s lips. dHhuSA

In the end, it was Fu Ke’s cough which interrupted the ambiguous atmosphere that Derek had one-sidedly created. Facing Fu Ke whose resentment was practically about to materialise, Derek separated himself from He Xin and helplessly said: “Well, there’s no time to lose. We should go look for the badges and supply points.”

Fu Ke nodded and immediately looked away. He probably stayed up too late reading last night, otherwise, why would his eyes constantly feel like they’re in pain? He should just look at the surrounding greenery to alleviate it a bit.

Thinking this, Fu Ke looked off into the distance and suddenly felt a little worried about Ning An. It would be best if they could meet and team up as soon as possible.


Translator's Note

Day by day assessments such as quizzes, open book practice tests and assignments.

Translator's Note


Translator's Note


Translator's Note


Translator's Note

Man proposes but God disposes

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  1. Lol Derek and He Xin spreading dog food while Fu Ke was freaking blown the wrong way 😂

    I hope Ning An and Fu Ke meet sooner than later because it’s honestly getting reaaaaalllllyyyyy frustrating…

    Thanks for the chapter~!

  2. Don’t worry FuKe. I’m certain that you’ll meet your sunshine soon.

    Thanks for the chapter!!!

  3. I like how it’s the other way around here. Normally main CP get together first feeding dog food. Fresh to see a side pair get together first and make ML suffer

  4. Haha exam is every students’ nightmare xD poor Fu Ke being in a group of lovers (with a one sided PDA) haha

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇

  5. thank you for the chapter! derek has got to have one of my favourite ml development tropes ever – former playboy becomes hoplessly devoted to an innocent ray of sunshine and completely loses his cool whenever said sunshine smiles at him. +1 for country x city boy trope. thanks author for placating the readers with the side CP while we wait for the main fools to Realize

  6. Oh he’s so concerned! It’s too cute! Wish they can meet up and separate from the side couple, that way Derek can focus on doing some things with his lover! (^་།^)

    Thank you for the chapter!


  8. I really like this Instructor Qin. And he really looks out for Ning An… Their relationships also good and interesting. I hope to see more in the future.