After I Flopped on My CrushCh43 - Vows

Editor: MinMin

Bai Xi and Qi Xun got on the boat to get off of the island together. The boat traveled fast as they landed soon after and located Qi Xun’s car in the parking lot. g oR49

It was more than two hours drive from the port to home, so Qi Xun packed snacks and drinks in the car. Bai Xi opened a bag of potato chips and ate like a little squirrel without talking that much.

As Qi Xun drove, he occasionally glanced at Bai Xi. He did not see any angry expression, just sulking.

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He found this Bai Xi adorable.

Bai Xi was fine earlier on the boat, but maybe the gloom came from thinking too much, so now he was eating for relief. EKG5NY

He explained to Bai Xi in a low voice, “I did not know Zhao Qingtong would appear there. He did send me a message when he returned to China, but I did not reply and that was the only message he sent.”

Bai Xi turned his head to look at Qi Xun with his round eyes. He knew that Zhao Qingtong’s presence on the island had nothing to do with Qi Xun of course. He was not angry at his fiance.

But he was not very happy either as he whispered, “But why did he send you a message?”

Qi Xun replied, “Not sure, maybe he sent it to all of his old classmates.”


He deleted the message after reading it. If they did not encounter each other today, he would not have remembered it at all.

But he thought about it and said, “Don’t worry about him. He has been in love with me for a long time. I didn’t tell you before that the direct reason why I broke up with him was not that he wanted to go abroad. It was that he was very He asked me to go abroad with him, but I didn’t agree. Then I found out that he was with a junior student, and there was no possibility of turning around. So now we are just two strangers, and he doesn’t have that deep love for me. Feelings.”

But now that he thought about it, he still revealed, “You do not have to be concerned over him. He has long fallen out of love with me. I did not tell you before, but the main reason why we broke up was not that he wanted to go abroad. It was that he insisted that I go abroad with him, which I did not agree to. Then I found that he got together with a junior, ending all the possibility of us getting together. So now we are only two strangers, and he no longer has deep feelings for me.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Bai Xi was shocked to hear this. O1Xdjl

He had only heard from Qi Xun before that Zhao Qingtong broke up because he was going abroad. He was puzzled at the time. Long-distance love was nothing more than a few plane tickets. Qi Xun was also a person who often went abroad. There is nothing scary about foreign love.

Lf bcis tfjgv ogbw Hl Wec atja Itjb Hlcuabcu ygbxf eq yfmjerf tf kjcafv ab ub jygbjv. Pa vlv cba wjxf rfcrf ab tlw atfc yfmjerf j ibcu-vlrajcmf gfijalbcrtlq kjr cbatlcu wbgf atjc j ofk qijcf almxfar. Hl Wec kjr jirb rbwfbcf ktb boafc kfca jygbjv obg yerlcfrr, rb yflcu rfqjgjafv lc obgfluc qijmfr kjr cbatlcu ab yf jogjlv bo.  Lf mbeiv cba oluegf bea kts Itjb Hlcuabcu kjr rb qfgrlrafca lc ygfjxlcu eq, la kjr ecgfjrbcjyif.

But the truth was, that Zhao Qingtong had created it long ago.

Looking at Qi Xun with complicated eyes, he did not know whether he should comfort the other man as his current partner. oNA0rv

The corner of Qi Xun’s lips raised. He stopped caring about this a long time ago, so he could afford to crack a joke casually.

“Judging from your look, do you think I am unlucky to be dumped and cheated?” He teased.

As he was at a loss, Bai Xi nodded.

It was really sad. In his world, it was already unheard of to have someone dump Qi Xun for another. Not only was he dumped, but also was cheated upon. This tragedy was beyond reasonable. pkl40w

He was not in the mood to be jealous either.

When the car stopped at a traffic light,

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Qi Xun stepped on the break and held Bai Xi’s hand.

“So there is no need for you to be concerned about him, all right? I am out on vacation with you, I do not want you to be unhappy.” He remarked. EHgbtN

Bai Xi nodded.

He was not unhappy, just felt gloomy. But when Qi Xun gently explained to him, his discomfort disappeared like a foam.

He picked up his carbonated water and took a few sips, then he looked out of the window and thought about something.

After a while, when they were about to leave the city, he raised his head and called out softly, “Qi Xun.” t5qz49

Qi Xun’s eyes remained on the road. “Yes?”

Bai Xi licked his lower lip and whispered, “I will always love you.”

When he declared this, he showed his bashful side.

But he still faced Qi Xun with nothing but earnestness and continued to say loving words from the bottom of his heart. 71oBl8

“I have liked you since I was eighteen. I had a good life even when you did not like me back. Now that you do, I am living better and happier every day.”

“I am actually very timid, and I never dare to say bold words. But I can promise only that I love you. As long as you don’t leave me, I will always love you. Just like I did when I was eighteen, love You will grow old.”

“I am very timid and do not dare to give a powerful monologue. But I can promise to love only you, as long as you do not leave me, I will continue to always love you. I will love you like when I was eighteen, and to the end of my life.”

Then, he smiled brightly at Qi Xun. gm1qhU

They had not been married and had not walked down the aisle, but he seemed to have recited his marriage vows.

But he wanted to say them to Qi Xun. He was not anyone special, but his sincere heart was undefeated.

Qi Xun firmly looked at the car ahead of him and hummed in response.

Bai Xi found his small vent embarrassing, for he seemed to be glib talking as it did not seem very credible. aK3mts

Qi Xun probably thought this was an ordinary confession.

He stopped talking then drank his carbonated water, and checked his phone to see how much time until they reached the villa.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

But while he was focusing on his phone, Qi Xun had turned into an empty alley and parked the car under towering trees.

Bai Xi felt the car stop and also the sound of the unfastened seat belt. qPGzFS

He raised his head up and before he could ask, his lips were sealed.

Qi Xun held him in his arms, supported his other hand on the back of Bai Xi’s head, and brutally kissed him.

Bai Xi grabbed Qi Xun’s clothes tightly and felt it was hard to intake oxygen. He did not know how long had passed before he felt the arms around him loosen.

He felt slightly out of breath, his cheeks were rosy as he stared blankly at Qi Xun. lcDn8q

Qi Xun was calmer than he was.

He stroked Bai Xi’s blushing ear and his eyes were as dark as ink.

“I will remember that.” Qi Xun said.

Bai Xi blurred, “What?” ME4IYy

“Remember that you will always love me.” Qi Xun looked at him straight and smiled more tenderly than usual, but there seemed to be something hidden in his eyes, “When you recite your wedding vows, remember to say it.”

“Remember that you will always love me.” Qi Xun looked at him straight in the eyes and smiled more gently than usual, but there seemed to be something hiding in those dark eyes. “Do not forget to repeat it when we exchange wedding vows.”

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  1. Then say it back… stop beating around the bush and just say it… I start feeling sad for Bai Xi, it’s not that he s not loved but any self respecting person can only take so much.