After I Flopped on My CrushCh32 - Entering the House

Editor: MinMin

The next day, Qi Xun sent Bai Xi back before seven o’clock in the morning. AIPZYF

It’s not that he rarely gets up early and diligently, but that his parents usually get up at eight o’clock. In order not to be discovered that he eloped in the middle of the night last night, it would be better for him to get in front of the house before his parents get up.

It was not that today was the rare time for him to get up early, but that his parents usually get up at eight o’clock. For his elopement in the middle of the night not to be caught, he would need to hurry home before his parents got up.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

As he sat in the car, Bai Xi yawned.

He was still wearing the same pajamas he walked out on last night, with only the underwear changed. His hair was in a disordered mess, and there were even traces of red pillow marks on his face. 7aAOj1

He said to Qi Xun, “I never secretly sneak out like this during school. During that time, I always went out with Liang Song in the middle of the night and did not come back until it was past ten o’clock the next day. But I always informed my parents and it never bothered them.”

How would he know that now at the age of twenty-five, he would experience the thrill of sneaking out.

Qi Xun replied, “I did suggest for you to sleep longer. I could always help you explain to your parents when I bring you back at a later time.”

Bai Xi rubbed his eyes. “Don’t worry about it. What is there for you to explain? Explain how you became a thief in the middle of the night? Better watch out for yourself more, my parents might beat you out of the door.”

Wl ozU

The corner of Qi Xun’s lips raised up.

That was not wrong. It would not be illogical to call him the flower thief based on what he did yesterday.


They arrived outside of the Bai Family house while talking. 7gtCkG

As it was winter dawn, the sky was not bright yet.

Bai Xi remained seated in Qi Xun’s car for a while.

In such a quiet early morning, there was no one around, not even anyone who had gotten up for exercise. Their car was parked outside the garden, with sparse tree shadows and remaining snow, and the two of them were sitting in the car, talking. , watching the sky slowly light up together, there is also a different kind of warmth.

There was nobody around in this quiet early morning. Even the early birds who exercise in the morning are not around. Their car was parked outside the garden, where the tree covered the sky and residual snow covered the ground. The two of them sat in the car, talked and watched the sky slowly light up, bringing a different kind of warmth. z2Bd3V

Bai Xi slowly unbuckled his seat belt once it was past seven.

“Then I will be leaving. Be careful on the road.” He said to Qi Xun.


Qi Xun watched as Bai Xi walked into the garden and went to the front of the door. He waved at the other man again before driving away. Ygo tD

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


Djl Wl delfais qgfrrfv atf tberf qjrrkbgv jcv fcafgfv atf tberf, atlcxlcu atja atf gfra bo tlr ojwlis rtbeiv ralii yf riffqlcu.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Fcyfxcbkcra ab tlw, jr rbbc jr tf rafqqfv lcab atf tberf, tf rajgfv ja tlr ojatfg ktb kjr rajcvlcu lc atf ilnlcu gbbw.

Djl Iltej kjr jirb kfjglcu tlr qjpjwjr jr tf rja ys atf klcvbk klat j meq bo tba afj jcv rcjmxr lc tlr tjcvr. Pa jqqfjgfv tf tjv yffc eq obg j ktlif cbk. JZFrOq

Bai Xi: “…”

He should have checked the divination almanac before going out today.

This was awful. His father never got up early. Why was he sitting here today of all days?

Bai Zihua also had a melancholy expression. p6C5sn

He witnessed Bai Xi enter the door.

Today was a rare day where he woke up early and sat by the window to drink tea. He was in a good mood until a familiar black car suddenly parked outside of his house. The car remained in park and no one was coming out, so it puzzled him.

Ten minutes later, when he was this close from going outside to take a look, he saw his son getting out of the car with his own eyes.

Bai Xi stood outside of the car in his pajamas and smiled, and said something to the inside of the car before he was ready to enter the house. kgiuMm

Bai Zihua was beyond shock.

He knew who was in the car, even a toddler could figure it out.

Seeing the dead silence in the living room, Bai Zihua sighed and thought about himself as a parent. He spoke first and handed the steps to his son, “What are you doing? You are not sleeping at home so early in the morning. Why are you running around?”

As he felt the silence shrouding in the living room, Bai Zihua sighed and thought that he should be a parent now. First, speak a few words before allowing his son leeway. “What were you doing out there? Why are you running about outside instead of sleeping at home so early in the morning?” cfqKQ8

Bai Xi immediately tried to get the higher ground.

He stared at the floor and lied with his eyes open, “I could not sleep…so I went out for a walk.”

Bai Zihua almost countered with ‘And you need to be inside of Qi Xun’s car to take a walk?’

But Bai Xi did not give him a chance to ask the next part. “Dad, I am starting to feel sleepy. I will be upstairs sleeping.” FRqo0

To quickly remove himself from this undesirable situation, Bai Xi rushed up the stairs in three to two steps, as he disappeared up the second floor.

Leaving his father alone in the living room.

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Bai Zihua continued to melancholy look out of the window.

This made him recall the time when he was twenty years old, when he was an annoying young man. He would climb to Wu Mo’s window early in the morning and hand her over flowers, hairpins, and love letters across the railing. lJdrPg

This made his father-in-law fuming with rage.

So after he had his daughter, he knew his time was going to change. As he thought about each deed and karma he collected, he knew one day, his darling daughter would bring home a stinky boy to make him angry.

But he never dreamed that his son would be the one doing that one day.

So it was true that all children were the emotional burden of every parent. rHbaI


Because Bai Xi bumped into his father after his tryst, he earnestly remained in the house for a few days. On the sixth day after the New Year, did he go out with Qi Xun to see an art exhibition.

Qi Xun drove to pick him up, and when he greeted Bai Xi’s parents like usual, he did not know if he was imagining or not, but he kept feeling that Bai Zihua was glancing at him several times while talking.

The holiday ended, so the streets, once again, came to life. xd42aE

After the art exhibition, the duo strolled around the surrounding streets. Many unique shops sold interesting things.

Bai Xi bought an ice cream and ate it while walking. His teeth trembled with cold, but it also felt refreshing.

Qi Xun accompanied him from shop after shop.

He was someone who disliked shopping as he had short patience. He used to go shopping with his mother and older female cousins occasionally, but he would abandon them to find a place to drink coffee. xPjfZq

But Bai Xi, who held an old-fashioned lamp in a flower bud shape, turned and asked him, “What do you think if we put this in the study?”

He studied it very earnestly.

The study that Bai Xi referred to was naturally the one in the villa where they lived.

He used to think it was only one of his several properties, but after his lover had moved in, it gave a homey and warm atmosphere. mYe f7

“The color matches the room.” He concluded.

“Then let’s buy this.” Bai Xi was not indecisive at all.

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But he still had the half a waffle cone in his hand, making it slightly difficult to carry things. Qi Xun picked up the lamp for the other man and lined up to pay.

Their appearance was too eye-catching. When they were queuing up, there were several young girls in front of them. They looked back frequently and laughed a little embarrassedly when they caught the eyes of Qi Xun and Bai Xi. e KkXm

The two’s appearances were too eye-catching. When they lined up, several young ladies in front of them turned their heads back frequently. Whenever they accidentally meet Qi Xun or Bai Xi’s eyes, they giggle in slight embarrassment.

A moment later, a brave girl came forward and asked Qi Xun in confidence, “Hello, we are going to play a murder mystery game soon and are still missing two more. Would you two like to join us?”

A person only needed one ear to tell this was such a clumsy excuse.

Bai Xi was startled and wanted to laugh inexplicably. xp5rD

This girl got a good eye. She was able to find a gay couple so soon in her search.

But before he could think of a reply, he heard Qi Xun’s refusal.

“Sorry but no,” Qi Xun replied without showing any emotion on his face, but his fingers clasped with Bai Xi’s before raising their hands up to show the girl. “I still have to spend time shopping with my boyfriend.”

The girl’s eyes widened instantly. She turned to their hands then back at their faces. Once it finally sunk in, she could not even apologize from the shock. KWvZE

But when she returned to her friends, she did not look disappointed at all, she only threw a few more glances at the duo.

Bai Xi started to feel shy for no reason. He turned around and hid his face on Qi Xun’s shoulder.

Qi Xun only wrapped an arm around the timid man and said calmly, “You already called me husband, what is there to be shy of?”

Bai Xi punched him, “Oh you shut up.” agUJcm

Once they bought the lamp, they left the store. Now Bai Xi was not in the mood to shop so they went to a familiar cafe for coffee.

This cafe’s window had a row of tiny chubby cat decorations.

As Bai Xi picked one up to play with in the palm of his hand, he heard a question from Qi Xun. “Are you free in two days?”

That should be the eighth day after New Year and also the last holiday date for Bai Xi. Tt3FzR

“Yes, why?” Bai Xi looked across the table.

Qi Xun took a sip of his coffee and seemed to be unconcerned. “Nothing major. Just that my parents want to see if you are free on that day for dinner.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The cat ornament in Bai Xi’s hand almost slipped off. He quickly put it back on the windowsill.

He almost forgot that Qi Xun also told his family about them. dZ78jn

As he sipped his coffee, he pretended to stay calm and answered after a while, “Sure, that is fine.”

Translator's Note

黃曆’s literal translation is yellow calendar. Often used to select a date that is favorable for a major event. Adding to that, it is used for fortune telling, like if today was good to do a certain thing.

Translator's Note

Female cousins from the mother’s side. Qi Xun is the oldest one at his father’s side.

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  1. Karma came 😂😂 So nervous about Qi family ><

    Thank You for the new chapter (੭ ›ω‹ )੭⁾⁾♡

  2. »As he sat in the car in the car, Bai Xi yawned.« You can see it, right?

    »This made him recall the time when he was twenty year old..« twenty years old

    ».. she only only threw a few more glances at the duo.« – one ‘only’

    Oooh~ meet the parents >3

    Thx for the ch (ㅅ˘ㅂ˘)

  3. Bai Xi’s dad witnessing his walk-in from the night out! ☺️😳🤯

    Thanks for the chapter 💞