Falling into the AbyssCh56 - Atonement: Pales (V)


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  1. That sounds so terrifying and disturbing T^T

    I just started reading this story a couple of days ago, yet I can’t help but adoring it!!

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!

  2. Ok that was very disturbing but what made me more upset is about the monkey brain thing. I don’t know if such thing exists irl but knowing how fcked up this world is, i won’t be surprised if it actually exists. And i don’t wanna search about it. God i wish all sick mfs on this planet just fckin perish. Sorry for the rant

  3. Wowwwww it’s been a long time i found such horrific stuffs after thriller trainee and global examination. I might not be mentally okay but THIS type of extreme gore are my thing

  4. Trust me that monkey brain thing is mentioned in each horror novel i read. Thriller trainee, global examination, kaleidoscope of death and the supernatural movie actor app