Falling into the AbyssCh129 - The End Of The World (II)


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Translator's Note

curve in spacetime: In general relativity, spacetime is not ‘flat’ but is curved by the presence of massive bodies. The curvature of spacetime influences the motion of massive bodies within it; in turn, as massive bodies move in spacetime, the curvature changes, and the geometry of spacetime is in constant evolution. Read more here.

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  1. Omg there are only 3 chapters left isn’t it?? Aaaa ffffk i can’t wait to see how the ending is gonna be😫🔫 but pls no more suffering for ethan😭

  2. This is so nerve wrecking time for me,,, 🤧🤧🤧 Hope Ethan conquer the world and defeat his ‘biological father’ and beat him to death😤😤😤.

    Guess I need to wait for the last 3 chapters release to read without any distraction, Can’t wait for the next update❤️❤️

  3. this was their mistake since the beginning. using Ethan as a tool to further their means. now he cant escape their schemes. >.>

  4. Up untill now i thought no other novel could possibly be more cruel and agonizing than the mechanic,little mushroom,mist,tgcf and erha. But now…