After Being Betrayed, The Immortal Master Ran Away With The Demon VenerableCh27 - The Show Begins


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Translator's Note

The phrase Liu Rugeng uses here specifically refers to a woman who has fallen into hard times and has been corrupted. I.e. prostitution.

Translator's Note

The term used here was actually “meat on the tip of one’s heart” and Liu Rugeng wanted to gouge out this piece of meat from Gong Xiuxian’s heart.

Translator's Note

Directly translated, his name means something like Thieving Shura, but I chose to keep it in pinyin because I think that’s his actual name.

Translator's Note

It’s called a cotton rose, but it’s actually a hibiscus originating in China. It looks like this: cotton rose

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  1. Oh ho, are they gonna end up bumping into each other? Master and disciple always end up near each other. But I definitely can’t picture it going well considering Yan Xuan is definitely getting drunk, haha. Thanks for translating btw, it always lights up my week getting to read this 🙂

  2. Can’t wait to see a (more) drunk Yan Xuan. Hehehe… 😈

    On another note, they’ll definitely meet that pair of scum. And my guess is that the sword will fall into Yi Ning’s possession. 🤔

    Thanks for the chapter!

    • If the sword exists anyway. Wouldn’t put it past that green tea to fib about there being something he wants, just to show the scum disciple that Yi Ning is cosying up to demons at the auction.

  3. Is that Gong idiot finally getting suspicious? Won’t change the fact that he’s human garbage and I don’t like to see him.

    Thx for the ch (ㅅ˘ㅂ˘)