2013 (Doomsday)Ch29 - Clue


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  1. thank you for the chapter!

    since everything is so perfect in that base makes it feel like something is fishy

    maybe because the vaccine can regrow limbs??

  2. Thank you for the new chapter!

    Господи, это так жутко, этот парень, военный, тоже довольно сильно напрягает, он вроде бы воплощение спасения: он лицо армии спасения, лицо закона и лицо новой жизни, но он так просто поступается моралью

  3. They are promising heaven in that base, but I don’t think the military Will be taking care of People for free. That ‘suitable ways to pass the time’ sounds rather fishy.

    But If Meng Feng goes, then everyone must go then.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. That was the vaccine Zhang Min and Jue Ming have taken right? The ones they must be looking for are those two who have the antibodies. They created the vaccine but the vaccine makes them closer to the zombies. They must want the antibodies to make the people who have taken the vaccine become less zombies hmph base with politics in the apocalypse definitely sucks and sus. I hope MC wouldn’t go there. And don’t these Oak Amalgams go to the southeast?

  5. I felt like alien really existed. They called it Earth String, and he said “you are not the one they look for” to Liu Yan. So who is this “THEY”? The mad scientist or alien that taught them some measures with the promise to find this “someone”?? Why did I felt this is about Jue Ming??? Will the mystery of Jue Ming be revealed soon?