2013 (Doomsday)Ch20 - Left Alone


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  1. Lin Musen, i hope the zombies get you -_- aaaahhh is this the day they’ll finally break off with LMS’s gang? … And MF and ZM aren’t home yet D:

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  2. thank you for the chapter ^3^)

    god this is starting to make me nervous ah… godspeed to our CP and their allies and the other refugees

  3. I’m now worried. If it would take at least two days for MF and ZM to come back, that means LY and JM will be left in disadvantage against LMS. Also, they might get caught up in the zombie mayhem. Oh sheet.

    Thanks for the translation!!

  4. This Scum really thinks of himself as the emperor. He says he has everyone well feeded and protected, but he does no sh*t. Everyone else is working Hard, he Just speaks.

    One hundred thousand zombies?! Whaaaaat? They can Just escape. But Meng Feng and Zhang Min aren’t there!!

    Thanks for the chapter!

    • Right! He only got rations and gangsters that can get by with max pistols. They dared to think all the electricity, sensors, cameras, snipers and the weapons are all theirs? BS. Can someone just killed them all? Who cares bad or not, just bang all their heads. Risked 14 heads than 73+4 heads.

  5. Whoa, in the previous chapters I was like yeah he’s fucking annoying, yeah he’s a douche, but I can kind of understand some of his actions(for protecting the whole). Now this dude is just a lunatic on an ego trip. He is the most useless one of the all, lazy bastard.🤬 woof

  6. I really looking forward to read when Lin Musen bitten by a zombie or eaten by the zombie. The way he gives order really irritated 😠