2013 (Doomsday)Ch19 - Settling Down


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  1. This is getting intense. And the power struggle is making me nervous. Maan this story is really good. Thank you for translating this piece of art.

  2. Though the novel is based on a fantastic premise, the story develops in a logical and realistic way. The complexity of the world (and the characters) is really gratifying.

    Thank you for the translation! 💕

    P.S. Every time one thinks Lin Musen can’t get any more disgusting, there some new info saying: “Yes, he can!”

  3. In a post apocalyptic world everything is based on survival. I hate Lin Musen but that’s how he’d manage to survive along with our main characters with their own decisions and this novel truly shows that.. aiyaaa humans are complex beings (and selfish i guess)..

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇

  4. thank you for the chapter! this novel is quite well written… the plot and romance is paced pretty nicely, plus the characters are all 3D, not flat at all, even the bg charas. excited to see how the rest will unfold.

  5. Lin Musen was disgusting before, but now that we learned he abandoned his wife to the zombies… He’s not human.

    Wen Qiege hated Liu Yan when he took care of the infected, even if he didn’t kill them. And now this man killed a man indiscriminately? He’s an hypocrite.

    Thanks for the chapter!

    • Anyways thank you for translating this masterpeice! please don’t be offended by my coment above.

  6. I knew that Hu Jie is lile Lin Musen, but more restrained anr knows how to get the hearts of the people. I say he is better than Lin Musen since in this apocalypse, soft approach works better than hard approach, and Hu Jue is the best in soft approach. Tsk. Fortunately MC wasn’t deceived. I get that Hu Jie came from a high status before the apocalypse so power is very tempting to him but… tsk tsk.