2013 (Doomsday)Ch18 - Migration


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  1. Lin Musen is so pathetically inadequate! Not only does he lack skills necessary to lead and protect the people, he isn’t even aware that he should learn and modify his behaviour… I wish he would just disappear and save everybody the trouble of sorting him out.

    Thank you for the chapter! ❤

    P.S. Jue Ming is a precious cinnamon roll 😊

    • Yes. Tbh, I don’t see the point of Liu Yan tolerating Lin Mushen anymore. Like Meng Feng and Zhang Min are just waiting for his signal yet he always told them to be “patience”. I felt like a unified and willing to learn to survive 73 crowds are way better than Lin Mushen and his gangster brothers (around 13 or less left). Why not clean them all up lest they hamred all others later?

      And yeah, Jue Ming is a treasure. Though his past and origin still a mystery.

  2. LY sounds so tired in his journal entry– and the way he’s being “used” by that inadequate man LMS D:

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  3. That mysterious footage, does it mean one day they will encounter a mountain-like pile of defeated zombies glued together? Winter is here so they’re a little safe.

  4. I don’t think it’s sheer ignorance and prejudice Lin Musen has against Liu Yan and the others, he knows that everyone would easily turn against him and make Liu Yan the new leader. Also, I smell betrayal from Hu Jue. He is the cunning type.

  5. Hu Jue really Knew how to win his place next to Lin Musen, huh? The dumb boss relies too much in him… He could be LMS’s doom. I hope he doesn’t turn against Liu Yan.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  6. This story is very well written. It is so realistic for an apocalyptic fantasy. lol!!! 😂 Maybe a few people will understand my crazy thinking. Thanks for the chapter!!! 👾

  7. Could it be thst there’s some magnetic effect in the virus and only when the number of the bodies or the amount of blood that carries the virus was spilled would reach the threshold the magnetic effect would activate and thus form a giant zombie. Then, it will move after it was attracted like a magnet to iron or somethiny? Hmm…

  8. Ok, relationship between Zhang Min and Jue Ming is giving me major red flags. Zhang Min is literally grooming that child, bruh. He is not raising him, but grooming him to depend on him for everything. Jue Ming can’t do anything by himself. Also, Zhang Min’s behavior towards him is too sticky. Are you raising a child or a little wife? He’s always hugging him and kissing him. He’s not five, but fifteen. I didn’t see normal parents who behave like that towards their teenaged kids. If they have romantic development in the future, that would be so off-putting.

    They try to paint their relationship as cute and sweet, but in my head, red flags are vigorously waving.

    • ZM is not a groomer, he isn’t grooming JM for any kind of abuse and in fact he wants JM to grow by interacting with others more (example his classmates and teammates). He wants to protect JM but also wants JM to grow independently that’s why he’s always frustrated because he’s contradicting his own self. Both are clingy to each other, seems like they would both die once one was away from the other. Ofcourse there’s kissing and hugging, they’re in a relationship. JM can do things by himself as you would see on the later chapters, he just prefer to act cute on his hubby. What? JM already lived for 15 years, he’s not a child anymore. Do you think he know nothing?